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Locked[U.S.S. 10to5] Training Mission (Mission 3b)

EFMods Forum Archive - Virtual Game Missions
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:26 pm, 9th June 2002
This is a training mission for LeprichaunTrekker. Since the USS Nile was badly damaged in the last mission, we're having to take the USS 10to5 out again. I dont want all of you to go taking part in the main part of the story, comment if you want, and be a very minor character. LeprichaunTrekker WILL learn the basics. You know the drill.

"Captain's Log Stardate 53482.7,
The USS 10to5 has left drydock on one last mission with the crew, a training mission. We're doing some basic science tasks in the Itari system, around Itari 8."


<Walks onto the bridge>

^Use < and > to show action^

"Ensign Trekker, (I dont want to type leprichauntrekker every time), set a course for the Itari system and engage at warp 3."

^Use speech marks around speech.^

Add depth to posts, not just one liners.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 5:31 pm, 9th June 2002
Ok I am ready. Do you know what position I want?

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 5:39 pm, 9th June 2002
"Aye Aye sir. Coordinates set into the Nav computer and am awating your command to engage"

<Pressing Buttons and hearing BEEPS, I glance to Captian Simmo>

Am I doing this right?

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:40 pm, 9th June 2002
//Yes, you are doing science, but will do some basic navigation and engineering (you dont get those skills though).//

^Use the // to post something off topic/out of story^





<The ship accelerated into warp, and you could see the stars rush by on the viewscreen. What a wonderful sight.>

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 5:43 pm, 9th June 2002
"Estimated time to Itari 8 is 7 hours, sir."
-I don't know

<The rumble of the warp engines is heard below me, and a sigh of relief sweeps over me as I realize that everything's gonna be just fine, or so i think>

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:52 pm, 9th June 2002
"7 hours, good. That'll give us some time to do some work in engineering. The ship is in a bit of a mess from the romulan attack. Set the helm to autopilot and follow me."

<The two leave the bridge, and go down the steps into engineering.>

"This is where Sporto78 and Dobberman usually work. They're off duty at the moment so it's your job to repair the damage to the ship. Start off by repairing the replicator system."

^Dont solve it in one post, do it in a few, it's more realistic. And use some very technical words to make it sound better (technobabble).^

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 5:52 pm, 9th June 2002
"Sir, the problem seems to be athe life support interlock, down that jefferies tubes at junction 36."

<We climb into a jeffries tube>

"Let's head to junction 36"

<We crawl about 15 meters until we reach a small room>

"Here it is sir."

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:57 pm, 9th June 2002
"Whoa, it looks like this systems badly damaged, thank god for the auxillary systems. The secondary duotronic processor is out of place. Try and replace it with a new one."

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 6:00 pm, 9th June 2002
"Aye sir."

I pull out this funky looking tool, and with some clinging and clanging, a few zaps here and a replacement part there, I fix the problem>

"Fixed, sir. Shouldn't have to worry about that system for a while."

"What system should we do next?"

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:04 pm, 9th June 2002
//What's wrong with your last post? It's all italics and you cant see some of the writing (I checked the thing in edit, but I cant see whats wrong.//

"Well done ensign. That should make the air much safer to breathe. I suggest we try to fix the replicators next though, I dont want to go hungry, we're out of emergency rations."

//EDIT: Hmm. Stuff that has the < symbol with an 'I' straight after it, and then until the > is invisible.//

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 6:07 pm, 9th June 2002
"Aye, Sir. The replicator control room is just down that Jeffries Tube to your right, at junction 32"

<We crawl about 12 meters to a similar looking room>

//The thing went crazy but i fixed it. cant figure out what happened.//

<We arrive at junction 32 but can't get the jefferies tube door to open>

"What's the matter with this door? Where is the manual pump to open it?"

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:14 pm, 9th June 2002
<Looks at the plasma torch on the wall, there is an engineering tech kit. Oh, it's sporto's. No worry.>

"Let's get to work."

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 6:21 pm, 9th June 2002
< I open the door with the door pump on the side, to find a power outage in this section. I open my engineering kit and pull out a flash light>

"Let's see if I can find the power conduit and repair it before we start."

<With a few buttons pressed, the lights come on and we start on the repairs>

"The damage is pretty exstensive, but I can repair it"

<After tinkering for five minutes, it is fixed>

"Done, sir."

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:31 pm, 9th June 2002
"Great job. That's it for the damaged systems, lets get back to the bridge."

<They leave the jefferies tube and head to the bridge>

//I'm going off for a while, I'll be back tonight - about 9pm my time (4pm your time). I cant stay on late - I'm off to work tomorrow (work experience). As if working in starfleet isnt work experience enough.//

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 6:34 pm, 9th June 2002

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 6:36 pm, 9th June 2002
//LOL! LOL! Alright. I will be on at 4.//

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"

Posts: 763
Join Date: 10-05-2002
Posted at 7:20 pm, 9th June 2002
< I walk by the Captain and hand him a pad>

Simmo666 said:
//EDIT: Hmm. Stuff that has the < symbol with an 'I' straight after it, and then until the > is invisible.//

//Sorry to interupt sir, but I had this on my training mission. When I put a < then an I in behind the <. I suggest somebody fixes that. Sad

Navigator - USS Serenity

Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 8:39 pm, 9th June 2002
//Sorry I'm late, my mam was on the net on her laptop.//

*Time passes - arriving at destination*

"Drop us out of warp ensign. Take us into orbit of the planet."

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 10:52 pm, 9th June 2002
To prevent problems when using '<' and '>', disable HTML. The board thinks you are doing an italics tag. Everything after the 'I' is invisible because it gets treated as parameters.

BTW: when commenting with '//' you only need them at the beginning of the line.

Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 12:22 am, 10th June 2002
//Sorry, I had to go to church, thats why I have to post this late//

"Aye Aye Sir. Entering standard orbit of Itari 8."

<Pressing a few buttons, the ships slowly glides into a circular course around the planet>

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 2:00 am, 10th June 2002
//Do you mind If I join In? I am still priddy grean at this and It would be good to have somone to help show him what a since oficer does. Althow I admit it is priddy oveious. Also my I just add that becaus he is new when you give him a problem make the problem simple and my I also sugest he ask for help and take longer to do things becaus when you are new you don't know much and need lots of help. (Gess what I got a work exsperince job for saterdays so I won'r be abble to post much then) thanks for pashents and your time//

"Sir I will be working in the since lab if you need me. I would be happy to show the new reque arounf the lab so you can do more inportant things with your time. Unless you perfer to do it your self."
A vote for me is a Vote Wasted
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 2:09 am, 10th June 2002
//What on Earth! My post disaperd!! ARG well I gess I have to re type it.

Do you mind if I Join in on this trip? I could help him out seeing as how I am the only other person training for the since part of it.

"Sir If you need me I will be in the since lab //Is thair a since lab? in this ship If not I am in umm engenering I gess I would be happy to show him around the since lab for you."

//??? what is going on your page is borcken I think I submited that post then it disaperd and now it is back! all I wanted to add was to ask if thair was a since lab. AGR silly conputer and to top it off I cant find the delate key for this post!
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Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 2:29 am, 10th June 2002
//We don't have a science lab.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 3:40 am, 10th June 2002
//Then what do you have that a since oficer would use?

well I gess it isent that bad the new ship will have a since lab Grin

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Rear Admiral

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Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:40 pm, 10th June 2002
//Science can work on the USS 10to5's bridge//

"Good, Ensign Trekker, begin a standard scientific scan of the planet for any lifesigns."

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 10:25 pm, 10th June 2002
<Cadet Obiko stumbles down the corridor, then hurries toward the group, looking visibly relieved>

"Thank goodness I found you, sir! I've been wondering around for an hour"

<Captain Simmo looks somewhat skeptically at the Cadet. "This isn't exactly the biggest ship in Starfleet, Cadet. You'll have to be more punctual">

"Y-y-yes sir!"

<Chapman and Trekker grin behind their hands at the terrified-looking "newbie">

<Simmo rolled his eyes to himself, murmuring "Damn greens" under his breath before taking the lead again>

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 12:13 am, 11th June 2002
//ok that is a good post but from what I know you shouldent be putting actions and words in other peoples mouths. Don't get me roung that is a good post but if you do that be careful becaus you may misinterpet somones actions and I would hate to see a nice person like you geting in a flame war over somthing like that.

Also I would like to say that that is the best introduction into a thread I have ever seen.

I can see you will make a fine oficer one day! Grin

I hope this helps.

"Well I am glade you finly found your way here. I will show you areound Simmo666 is bussy at the moment and us unable to assist you at this time.

Your first assinment is to fimilurise your self with the layout of the ship. It is inportant that you can make your way to any place on the ship quickly.
When you finish that report back to me and I will have your next asinment for you.
//Go looking throu the thread untell you find the one about the U.S.S. 10 to 5 Deck map when you know what the ship looks like it will be easyer for you to talk about it and it will help you avoide mistakes like "I will be in astrometrics if you need me" becaus thair is not astrometricks.

Hope this helps

A vote for me is a Vote Wasted
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 12:53 am, 11th June 2002
Sorry the ship status needs to be updated with the new location of the map. Here it is: http://www.vmb-ca.com/eliteforce/10to5.jpg

Captain of the USS Serenity
Lt. Commander

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Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 10:53 am, 11th June 2002
>tired looking untidy cadett comes on the bridge

" sorry sir i kinda fell asleep in the escape pod behind some crates, if i might add something?"

"i slept like a baby with the humming of the engines"


" so sir what is my assignment???"

>tries to get his uniform straight and repositions his hair to some form of tidyness...
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 4:05 pm, 11th June 2002
//Thanks for the advice, Kevin//

<Cadet Obiko came back to where he had seen Ensign Chapman last. He looked less worried and more reconciled to his surroundings>

"Sir, I have familiarised myself with the ship's schematic now. Do you have further orders for me?"

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 4:13 pm, 11th June 2002
"If not, sir, I will acquaint myself with sickbay"

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 4:49 pm, 11th June 2002
//If you posted last, and it was less than 12 hours ago, edit your previous message instead of posting a new one.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:45 pm, 11th June 2002
"Hello and good afternoon all! Welcome cadets, ensigns, commanders and lieutenants of all ranks, and welcome to beta shift. Cadet Obiko, you are assigned to science with Ensign Chapman until I say so. Cadet Flix, you will be instructed by Lieutenant Daniels. Ensign Trekker, you will be with Commander Scooter and Lieutenant Sporto78."

<Thinks of something to do>

"You're going on an away mission to the planet below." <Thinks: finally a chance for peace and quiet, its too crowded> "Cadet Obiko and Ensign Chapman, look for rare plant samples. Cadet Flix, Lieutenant Daniels (Starbase 5) will instruct you how to pilot this ship down to the planet and land (we can do that). Ensign Trekker, keep an eye on everyone for medical reasons and maintain engineering equipment."

"Now get going, I need some rest. Oops, I mean, I have some......... reports to fill in............... yes, that's right."

//Jeez, that was hard typing all that//

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 6:54 pm, 11th June 2002
<Cadet Obiko waited with Ensign Chapman at the embarkation bay. The young Cadet couldn't contain his excitement, and his grin looked ready to split his head in two. The Cadet had persuaded Chapman to wait down at the embarkation bay early, even though the ship had not yet even come into orbit. He turned to his "senior officer>

"What will we be looking for on the planet?"

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:57 pm, 11th June 2002
//Surround speech with speech marks "

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 7:08 pm, 11th June 2002
"Cadet Obiko Dozen-Handed I have configed a spesahal trycorder to make it easyer for you to detedct the plant life. When we get thair scan for anything of intrest.

<Hands Obiko one of the 2 trycordes>

//sory for the bad drawing it is lunch time

Now lets get to work and tell me if you find anything of intrest.

//Ok now is your opertunity to add somthing creative to the storie. Well cant post anyore untell after lunch
A vote for me is a Vote Wasted
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 7:19 pm, 11th June 2002
//Ok, I've worked it out now, your command brief sorta confused me//

"Thanks, Ensign."

<Obiko walks down from the ramp and steps onto a patch of ankle-high plants. Pointing his botanical tricorder at the odd purple grass-like growth on the ground. Looking around for Ensign Chapman, he spots him examining some strange carnivorous plants on the far side of the clearing>

"Erm...Ensign? This grass appears to carnivorous...."

<Chapman, hearing the sound of running feet, looked around and saw Obiko standing on the ramp again, beckoning him over, with almost as scared a look in his eyes as when he had arrived late for training>

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 9:58 pm, 11th June 2002
(Hits com badge) cadet what is that you want to say to me?
A vote for me is a Vote Wasted
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 10:01 pm, 11th June 2002
<Obiko cursed himself. The comm-badge, of course! He really had to get his act together, his teachers at the Academy would be furious! He tapped his comm-badge>

"The grass seems to be carnivorous, sir, and it could quite possibly ingest both of us. I suggest we find some special equipment so we can continue our inspection of the planet's flora."

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 10:06 pm, 11th June 2002
<hits his comm badge>

"If anyone gets injured during this away mission, report back to the landing spot for treatment. Scooter out."

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 10:08 pm, 11th June 2002
"Aye sir"

//Am I doing alright?//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"

Posts: 2443
Join Date: 14-04-2002
Posted at 10:08 pm, 11th June 2002
if anyone needs a security team call me, kimkazie or manhunter

Captain of...
visit the Offical Irc channel #efmods on irc.quakenet.org
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 10:10 pm, 11th June 2002
"Acknowledged, security"

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 12:41 am, 12th June 2002
"Thanks for woring Ensign Obiko Dozen-Handed but ower shoes have advanced plastic that will protect us from it. Now Pleas continue with you mishion"
A vote for me is a Vote Wasted
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 12:43 pm, 12th June 2002
//luckily even though i didnt fly anyone to the surface everyone got there in the end WinkWinkNa na!

>has a small walk around the starting point>

>suddenly flixs selfmade hobby radio starts saying things>

"saidhn afüoa apsufpewn adma"

>flix lets it run through the transelator>

"SOS please help us weve been stranded...SOS please help us weve been stranded...SOS please help us weve been stranded..."

>endlessly repeating itself>

>hits comm badge>

"where any other ships scand when we aprotched this planet?"

"we better go and help the people with the destress becon!!!"
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 12:59 pm, 12th June 2002
// just outa interset what time zones r u guys so i know when u r actualy here????
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 1:24 pm, 12th June 2002
//There was some discussion on time zones in another thread.

//You couldn't have flown anyone down, the 10to5 doesn't have a shuttle. I suggest you review the Ship Status thread.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 3:29 pm, 12th June 2002
//Yes, the whole ship landed. Wasn't that the point?//

<Obiko blew out a relieved breath. On his home planet, there were huge carnivorous plants, one of which had eaten his pet ratfinch when he was a child. The testing at Starfleet for psychological abnormalities had skimmed over fear of carnivorous plants, and his fear had never been addressed. Hearing the self-assured voice of Ensign Chapman, however, gave him confidence. Stepping onto the purple grass, and feeling no acids eating into his shoes, he continued his survey on the botanical lifeforms in the area>

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 4:07 pm, 12th June 2002
//The ship never landed. It's still in orbit. We came down on the transporter.
//I don't even know if the ship is capable of landing.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 4:31 pm, 12th June 2002
//Okay, changed my posts to conform with my newfound understanding//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 5:16 pm, 12th June 2002
Cadet Flix, Lieutenant Daniels (Starbase 5) will instruct you how to pilot this ship down to the planet and land (we can do that).

//The ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.//

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 5:26 pm, 12th June 2002
//Woops, hehe. I'm the one who has to edit my post.

Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 572
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 5:35 pm, 12th June 2002
<Ensign LeprichaunTrekker, who went out of town yesterday in real life, returns to HIS training mission.>

"Now what were my orders again sir?"

Deputy Security Officer up for hire...
T'pol: "It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension."
Trip:"That hadn't always been my experience."
-ENTERPRISE Episode 22: "Fallen Hero"
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 5:36 pm, 12th June 2002
//*bangs head against table*

Now I have to do it again!!//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 5:44 pm, 12th June 2002
Cadet Flix, Lieutenant Daniels (Starbase 5) will instruct you how to pilot this ship down to the planet and land (we can do that).

//Ah, the wonders of being right...

Maybe we should have waited for Flix to pilot us down though, since we just stole his mission...//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 7:02 pm, 12th June 2002
//I just have one word for this entire mishion


//and now I have away to fix the problem

(Hits com badge)"Capten thair is a soler radeation staorm coming and you won't be able to transport us thou it so you will have to come down to the serfus and pick us up.

"Ensin Obiko Dozen-Handed see if you can find a shelter untell thay can pick us up"
A vote for me is a Vote Wasted

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 7:04 pm, 12th June 2002
Simmo666 said:
iv align="center">
Simmo666 said:
Cadet Flix, Lieutenant Daniels (Starbase 5) will instruct you how to to the planet and land (we can do that).

//The ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.//

//The ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.//
should add that to the status page and the map. I didn't know we had a ramp. It's next to the airl ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.//

//The ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.// should add that to the status page and the map. I didn't know we had a ramp. It's next to the airlock I assume?//

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 7:16 pm, 12th June 2002
//Otherwise we'd have had to jump to the ground. Very unsafe...//

<Obiko shielded his eyes against the sudden blinding light. Hearing Chapman's suggestion, he looked around for shelter. A huge willow-like tree, branches interlocking, should shield them from the radiation at least until the 10to5 could collect them.>

"Come on, we have to get under this tree"

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 8:46 pm, 12th June 2002
sporto78 said:

//The ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.//

//You should add that to the status page and the map. I didn't know we had a ramp. It's next to the airlock I assume?//[/quote]

You won't see it on the map, it's underneath the airlock hallway. It extends from underneath when we land and open the door.

Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 8:51 pm, 12th June 2002
Scooter said:
sporto78 said:

//The ship was meant to land, and it did, so there. Dont bother re-editing posts.//

LOL, I didn't write that Grin

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Morale Officer

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Posted at 8:52 pm, 12th June 2002
//Woops, editing error. Simmo wrote that.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 8:57 pm, 12th June 2002
<The ship was coming, but not fast enough. Obiko was feeling distinctly uncomfortable, and Chapman didn't look any better. Ensign Chapman tapped his comm-badge>

"10to5, could you give us an ETA on landfall? We can't survive much longer down here," he said, then tried to wedge himself further under the interlocking branches of the tree.

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 9:00 pm, 12th June 2002
Commander Scooter was walking around in a daze. He wasn't sure if he had beamed down, or if the ship had landed. He finally fell to the ground and started to lose conciousness. He quickly gave himself a wake-up hypo and hoped for the best.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 12:52 am, 13th June 2002
Lieutenant-Junior Grade Obiko Dozen-Handed. Do you have a protable shieald handy. We could use it do help deflect the radeation.

// Eek! IT doesnt look good haveig him a with a bigger rank then me yet I am the camaning ofiser. How did he gain post so fast? Is he posting in other parts of the form becaus I only post here. Maby I should exspnd and go talk about maps or somthing But I have made my good by to maping with EFradent so...
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Posted at 1:06 am, 13th June 2002
"Sorry, but I was preoccupied with some project that was due for the History Convention. Wink "
//Where are we in the Story!

Navigator - USS Serenity

Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 9:41 am, 13th June 2002
//Don't worry, Kevin, I'm staying an Ensign for a little while, until the right amount of missions have passed at least...

Me and Kevin are on the planet, collecting rare plant samples. The ship has taken off again, and a solar radiation storm has begun. We're waiting for the ship to pick us up again.//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 1:37 pm, 13th June 2002
//ive lost track where are we (I)
// maybe next time we should think of a time that we can all come to so tha the mission isnt spread over dozens of dayz!!!

>hits comm badge

"hey guys i cant see i only see black where am i??""



Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
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Posted at 9:16 pm, 13th June 2002
A voice came over the comm system, "You are in your quarters."

Flix: "Oh, yeah, right. Computer, lights!"

The room became fully illuminated in Starfleet standard issue white light. Flix quickly got out of bed and ran to the bridge to land the ship before everybody died.

//Sorry, but we have to keep the story moving along or we'll never get to the debriefing.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 9:18 pm, 13th June 2002
//Good good, we could probably wrap it up at this stage, or very soon at least. The people who need training are the people, it strikes me, who don't post very often.//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:18 pm, 13th June 2002
"Captain to everyone. When we re-land, after we took off again some time ago, those of you who I gave assignments earlier on, go onto the planet. Collect plant samples, and investigate the area, very quickly, we need to be home by tomorrow night."

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 9:21 pm, 13th June 2002
The storm finally stopped. Scooter stood up and looked around. Several crew members were down. Ensign Chapman stood up from under a rock.

Scooter: "Everyone report in."

I walked over to the nearest person on the ground and started giving wake-up hypos.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 9:21 pm, 13th June 2002

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 8:53 am, 14th June 2002
*The 10to5 recieves a message from the Starbase. It's Sporto78*

"Captain, sorry to disturb you on a training mission, but can we start mission 4 already? The senior officers and I are getting bored. We've done everything there is to do here."

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 1:44 pm, 14th June 2002
Obiko Dozen-Handed said:
//Good good, we could probably wrap it up at this stage, or very soon at least. The people who need training are the people, it strikes me, who don't post very often.//

//well this is only because im not on the www 24/7 Wink
i came here every day in the last couple of dayz (since i signd up)
sorry that im not here when u are but i dont know when u are here!!!!
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Kevin Chapman

Posts: 147
Join Date: 01-06-2002
Posted at 2:53 pm, 14th June 2002
//Sory I had convication you know that long boring seramoiny whair you walk across a stage!

"now that the storm is cleard why don't you beam us up we have colected a few sample and are ready to come back"

(We have some Grass, tree bark, 3 verieties of flowers, some mold and a bit of moss)

// Well thair you go new we can come back and end this mishion!
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Posted at 3:13 pm, 14th June 2002
I have looked at all away team members, and I think we will all be fine. Fortunately the storm wasn't too long, or it would have been serious.

Will somebody on the ship please start transporting us up in groups of three?

Captain of the USS Serenity
Obiko Dozen-Handed

Posts: 246
Join Date: 10-06-2002
Posted at 4:17 pm, 14th June 2002
//Sorry Flix, that was unfair. I suppose I had a lot of time on my hands, what with skipping out of studying and whatnot.//

Medical Officer on the USS Columbia
Obiko Dozen-Handed
aka Eoin Dornan
"Photons be free!"
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 12:14 am, 15th June 2002
//It's time to end this mission.

"Scooter's personal log: we just beamed back from an away mission, and are enroute to Starbase 8 where we will transfer to our new ship. It will be nice to have a bit more room to stretch my legs."

Captain of the USS Serenity
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 12:06 pm, 15th June 2002
//what he sayed°^^^^^^
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 12:20 pm, 15th June 2002
"Captain's Log: The crew are back at Starbase 8 now and are ready to transfer to our new ship. The 10to5 will not be retired however. The crew will still use the 10to5 to train new cadets, it won't be the last time we see her. Goodbye for now ship. I'll miss you."

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that