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Locked[U.S.S Serenity / U.S.S Columbia] Good Old Days (Mission 9)

EFMods Forum Archive - Virtual Game Missions
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 10:56 pm, 5th November 2002
Well, time for a joint mission. All members of the VG are welcome to join in on this mission, but make sure you stay on the right ship. This is a bit ambitious, but I hope we can pull it off with the brilliance of posts that we have.





The Serenity has been ordered to Starbase 460 for standard maintenance. After our shoreleave, it got us all ready for getting back to our duties. All of the crew has returned, including our two operations officers Lieutenant Kim and Ensign McFarland. We have welcomed them back onboard gladly.

The Serenity has been ordered to rendevous with an old friend, the USS Columbia. It has been a while since any of the crew have seen the old ship, but it will be good to once again join our fellow ship on the mission.

We are currently unaware of our orders, but when we rendevous with the Columbia in 3 days time, we will recieve them.

Captain Technology has been informed of our mission to rendevous with them in the Uarus system. They are standing by at that location.

(Crewmembers on the Columbia... Ensign sTk, Lieutenant Skywalker, Lieutenant Trekker, Lieutenant Chapman, Lieutenant Dobberman, Lt Commander MacGrathzie and Captain Technology)

The Serenity crew are now preparing the ship for departure. We are scheduled to leave tomorrow.


Simmo: Commander Scooter, prepare the ship for departure.

Everyone, get ready to leave, this is going to be one interesting mission, you'll find out what is going on when we rendevous with the Columbia. I am urging every person who is part of the VG, or has ever been part of the VG to take part in this one.

I will post us leaving the Starbase, nobody else should do so. I will also post us arriving at the Columbia.

Columbia crew, feel free to post yourselves waiting for us to reach you.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 11:17 pm, 5th November 2002
EDIT: None of this made sense anymore because of everyone else's posts afterwards, so now it's gone and everything makes sense now.

Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 798
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 11:19 pm, 5th November 2002
Ensign Kim was in his room still creating blue prints for Operations Lab. He had got it all planned on deck 4. And it would have information from all decks and status areas around the room. Also you could reruote any command station in there to The bridge station. It was to be completely user friendly.
Michael: Operations Lab Log Day 1. We have planned to meet with the captain to discuss creation and how long it will take and what crewmen will be assigned to fcreating it. Me and McFarland are the two heads on this project. I think it will take 2 month at most to get it all operational.

Rebbeca Arives
Rebbeca: Ready
Michael and rebbeca walk out with pads in her hand ready to do some explaining.


Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!

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Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 2:40 am, 6th November 2002


*Sporto was lying on his side while Lt. Obiko hovered over him, scanning his head with a medical tricorder.*

Obiko: "Well Commander, you're lucky you didn't get hurt any worse. Any more force and you would have a skull fracture. You should be more careful next time."

*As Obiko repaired the damage to Sporto's head, Sporto went over the events of his shore leave. After pulling rank and making an excuse to be one of the first of the crew to get down there, Sporto and one of his Risan friends started to climb up one of Risa's most famous cliffs. After 13 hours on the big wall, it was Sporto's turn to lead a pitch. Right when Sporto was going to place a Cam, some climbers above him knocked a big rock off, which fell and hit Sporto right in the side of his head. After taking a 30 foot whipper, Sporto had to rappell down with blood streaming down the side of his head. However, Sporto didn't feel like going back to the ship just yet, at least, not until the next morning, when his head was pounding worse than a migraine.*

Obiko: "There, all done, just be a little more careful from now on."

Sporto: "No problem doc."

*With that, Sporto left, heading to engineering, and all of the prep work that a launch required.*


Thought I'd give you guys a break with a short post. Grin

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 1:07 pm, 6th November 2002

*Crusader and flix are standing in science lab. Flix and crusader and mixing somthing VERY carefull*

Flix:Be very gentle
*mixture explodes*
*Some passing ensign sees crusader and flix running around putting fires out*
passing ensign:are you okay sir?
Flix:HELP put the fire out

g2g to school
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 262
Join Date: 07-09-2002
Posted at 8:23 pm, 6th November 2002
ON: Logalot walked to his first shift since shoreleave ended. His shoreleave was enjoyable, but it was nice to look forward to active duty. He arrived in Engineering and looked for Commander Sporto, but he was nowhere to be found. Lt. Solan walked up to him.

Lt. Solan: Anything I can do for you Ensign?

Logalot hid a frown, he was getting acustomed to Sporto's relative easy and amiability, and Lt. Solan was a hard contrast.

Logalot: I'm just reporting for my shift, sir.
Solan: Very well

Logalot saw Christina banging her fist rather violently on a console, she looked lto be in a foul mood, and Logalot though it was best not to say anything. However, when he went to pick up his engineer's kit, her mood changed and she gave him a cheery, if not weary:

Christina: Hey!
Logalot: Hey, what are you working on?
Christina: The Waverider that, dang thing is still not working.
Logalot: What's wrong with it?

She shifted to her previous state as she answered

Christina: I dont know! I think it's warp core was affected by all the distortion it encountered.
Logalot: Er, okay, good luck with that...

She grunted a "Thanks" as Logalot climbed into a jefferies tube on his way to replace a conduit on Deck 4. Logalot arrived there as his combadge beeped.

Luke: =/\= +Luke to Logalot, what are you doing?+
Logalot: Replacing a conduit on Deck 4, why?
Luke: +You gotta inform security before you do that, Manhunter almost had a heart attack!+
Logalot: Sorry, Like I said, I'm used to stations.
Luke: +Heh, It's okay, just remember to do it next time, hey, you wanna meet in the mess hall when your shift is over?+
Logalot: Sure, that'd be fine
Luke: +Oh, did you hear? We're going on a joint mission with the Columbia sometime soon!+
Logalot: The Columbia?
Luke: +Yeah, lotsa members of this crew used to serve there, it will be nice to see it again...+
Logalot: Cool, You'll have to give me a tour!
Luke: We'll see about that, I don't know what kind orf mission it will be, anyway I'll see you in the mess.

Logalot finished his duties and made his way to the mess hall. Pondering what kind of mission they might be doing.


That should be a tag, but I know Luke's pretty busy.
Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:26 pm, 6th November 2002

<USS Serenity Bridge>

Simmo walks out of his ready room onto the bridge. He stopped and looked around at the crew, a custom of his from any mission.

Simmo: Are we ready?

Scooter: We're making final preparations now.

Simmo: Good.

Daniels: Propulsions systems ready. We're ready to leave.

Waterbury (Ops): Structural integrity field online. The starbase has cleared us for departure.

Simmo: Good. Mr Daniels, take us out.

Daniels: Aye.

*Ship leaves dock*

Waterbury: We have cleared spacedoors.

Simmo: Helm, plot course for Uarus 4. Warp 5.

Daniels: Aye, course laid in.

Simmo: Engage!

We're on our way. Any Columbia crew going to post?

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 625
Join Date: 29-05-2002
Posted at 2:31 am, 7th November 2002

Manhunter was in the messhall when he say the sides of the space dock move to the side so then he said to himself..
Manhunter: Well I guess we will need our tactical officer on the bridge if anything goes wrong
So Manhunter went on his way to the bridge
*Manhunter walks onto bridge*
Simmo: Oh hello Manhunter you shift isnt for another 2 hours.
Manhunter: Well I thought that this ship needs its best tactical officer at his post If anything goes wrong.
Simmo: Well that is true. Well Lt. what are you waiting for take your station.
Manhunter: Aye aye sir.
*Manhunter walks to his station*
Manhunter: You are relifed ensign.
*Ensign leaves the station and Manhunter sits down*
WOW I think I still got it! Wink

Chief of Security/Tactical on the USS Serenity

Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:44 pm, 8th November 2002

<USS Serenity>
<Deck 1, Main Bridge>

Commodore Simmo got up from his chair on the bridge and left Commander Scooter in charge of the bridge. He went for a tour of the ship. He hadn't had the time to have a good look around the ship yet really, so this was as good a time as any. He stepped into the turbolift and headed for deck 2.

<Deck 2>

Stopping off at his quarters, the captain decided to get changed into something more casual. Once changed he went for more of a walk. His first stop was the Constellation Restaurant. The two decks of the restaurant provided an interesting design that no other ship currently had. It was a feature that Commodore Simmo personally asked to be built in during production. (OOC: Nowhere in the blueprints does it show this two-deck feature, but I cant see any mess hall at all on the blueprints.)

Looking around he saw several members of the crew enjoying a relaxing meal. He looked at the pictures on the wall, very decorative.

<Deck 3>

Walking down the stairs, he saw even more crewmembers relaxing. It was a more social relaxing area downstairs.

Leaving the Constellation restaurant, he headed for Transporter Room 2. Lieutenant Coval was on duty. He was performing some standard maintenance on the transporter.

Simmo: Lieutenant Coval?

Coval: Ah, yes sir. I dont believe we've met before.

Simmo: No I guess not. How are you fitting in onboard ship?

Coval: There aren't many Andorians in Starfleet any more. However, the crew has still welcomed me with open arms.

Simmo: That's good to hear.

Coval: Is there something I can do for you?

Simmo: Not really. I was just looking around.

Coval: Okay sir.

Simmo walked out of the room and Coval set back to work. The commodore stepped back to the turbolift and headed down to deck 4.

<Deck 4>

Simmo stepped out of the turbolift and headed out onto the next corridor. Looking around he headed into Sickbay. Ensign Throp, Ensign Doulani and Ensign Kolell were having a staff briefing. He felt it best not to interrupt.

There were no other staff in Sickbay on duty at the moment, so he left. He went to see the Waverider shuttle.

Crewman Christine McLean was checking up on the damage. It was bad. Very bad. The ship no longer fitted into the bottom of the saucer properly, because the back of the ship had been ripped off. The staff of Starbase 460 didnt have the materials to repair the shuttle and the engineering staff didnt want to spend shoreleave working on it.

Wendt: Ah, Captain.

Simmo: Crewman?

McLean: I have a report on the damage to the waverider. *She handed a PADD to Simmo*.

Simmo glanced at the PADD...... 66% hull integrity, propulsion severely damaged, warp core needs replacing, tertiary power sources destroyed, landing gear destroyed, sickbay needs a full makeover........ the list went on for many more pages.

Simmo: Whoa. Thats bad.

McLean: Unless we get a replacement waverider from the Antares IV shipyards, it'll take us the better part of a month and a half to repair it.

Simmo: Dont worry about it. I'm sure we'll get something arranged.

McLean: Understood.

Simmo left another person to their duties and continued his tour.

<Deck 5>

Entering Science Lab 4, he saw FliX and Crusader putting out yet another fire. He wondered why the fire supression system didnt work in the science lab, so he decided that he should tell engineering to look into it.

Simmo: Lieutenant FliX, problem?

FliX: No sir, just another experiment gone wrong.

Simmo: How many times has that happened?

FliX: I think this one makes 7.

Another flame suddenly flared up from where Ensign Mooney was working. She quickly grabbed an extinguisher and put it out.

FliX: Make that 8.

Simmo: What do you people get into in here?

FliX: Well, we........ *is cut off by Simmo*

Simmo: Never mind. Carry on.

Simmo left crewmembers again working at their posts. Again heading into a turbolift, Simmo now headed to Deck 6 to visit Stellar Cartography.

<Deck 6>

Entering Stellar Cartography, Simmo saw Ensign T'Suk and PO3 Kristina Yu. They were hard at work discussing astronomical phenomenom and had not noticed the Captain entering the room. Simmo thought it best to leave them be and continue down to Deck 7.

<Deck 7>

You could sense the order as you entered the deck. The secondary control centre of the ship, controlled by Commander Sporto, Main Engineering was the power centre of the ship, quite literally since it hosted the magnificent enhanced warp core. Simmo wandered over to Sporto.

Sporto: Hello sir.

Simmo: Hi.

Sporto: Something I can do for you sir?

Simmo: Not really. I'm just wandering. And don't worry about the sir, I'm off duty as you can see.

Sporto: Ah.

Simmo: An efficient operation you run down here.

Sporto: I like to keep it professional.

Simmo: I see that.

Sporto: I've got a complaint. We don't have enough resources available to patch up the damage we sustain at times. We always seem to run out of resources when we need them.

Simmo: I'll put in a request to Starbase 460 next time we're due back.

Sporto: Thankyou sir.

Simmo: I told you to forget the sir.

Sporto: Oh okay, sir.

Simmo: *laughs* Carry on.

Heading out of Engineering, he decided to go to Engineering Support on the next deck below.

<Deck 8>

Deck 8 was a small deck. It was comprised mainly of EPS conduit access and small storage rooms. The only major room here was Engineering Support. Down at the base of the warp core, this room consisted of a few consoles used mainly by senior officers in an extreme crisis situation. Ensign Logalot Avernite was the only officer in the room at the moment.

Simmo: Ensign Logalot?

Logalot: Yes sir?

Simmo: *Noticing the sir again, he decided to ignore it this time* How are you fitting in onboard ship?

Logalot: Very well thankyou. Commander Sporto has welcomed me into the department gladly.

Simmo: Thats good to hear.

Logalot: Can I ask what our current mission will involve?

Simmo: It's currently being kept limited only to the most senior officers on the ship. However, when we arrive I will brief the entire crew on the situation.

Logolot: Understood.

Simmo: I'll leave you to your work.

Simmo left the room and headed back to the turbolift. He took the turbolift back up to deck 2.

<Deck 2>

Entering the constellation restaurant again, the commodore sat down at a table. His legs were tired of all the walking. Simmo stretched out and almost fell asleep.

Simmo: Now I can relax at last.

Phew, I spent over an hour typing that.

EDIT: To clarify it, the waverider docks properly (the docking clamps weren't damaged. There's just a hole, its being compensated for by the structural integrity field.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 7:12 pm, 8th November 2002
EDIT: Man I am confused this is urinating me off.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 8:22 pm, 8th November 2002

*crusaders shift is over, he and flix are walking to the turbolift*
Flix:Next time lets try to reset the phase compensators
Crusader:*looks at holes in shirt*:Can we stop trying with trandesian napalm?
Flix:It would appear that it is the only thing we can
Crusader:We should ask logalot, luke or sporto, they might be able to help
Flix:Good point
*head to diff parts of the ship*
*crusader goes to holodeck*
Crusader:Computer, load program crusader theory one
Computer:Holodeck program loaded
*crusader walks into the room, it is a large science like building*
Crusader:Hmmmm.....if only we could have one of these. *remembers somthing*
*taps commbadge*
Im at school...bell just rung....long post coming when i get home!
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 2443
Join Date: 14-04-2002
Posted at 8:33 pm, 8th November 2002
Carlos: Helm, plot course for Uarus 4 Warp 6 to meet with the Serenity
*meanwhile* the crew seems bored, I better increase holodeck privileges and simulations, maybe I could load some old games onto the computer core...

couldn't think of anything more to write for this post

Captain of...
visit the Offical Irc channel #efmods on irc.quakenet.org
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 11:12 pm, 8th November 2002

Crusader:Before we leave tell them to get as much science equipment as we can before leaving. We will need it.


*flix and crusader have fixed the lab, they are now working like madmen*

Flix:Try ajusting the balance of the feild interupter by .32 microns negative
*logalot and luke come past*
Logalot:Computer, Time
Computer:Time is 5:00 in the morning
Logalot:When did you guys wake up
Crusader:i just did
Flix:bout half an hour ago
Logalot:So what are you doing
Crusader:We are trying to find a way to recrystalize dilithuim. So far no luck, just a lot of dead ends.
Crusader:Computer, one stiff shot of anything
*a romulan ale appears*
Luke:Thats not supposed to happen
Crusader:No but*drinks it* its better than nothing
Flix:Luke, logalot we could use your help
*logalot remembers what happened erlier*
Logalot:Will this have anything to do with Trandesian Napalm?
Flix:No we have it in there(the dilithium regen machine) already
Luke:Why the napalm?
Crusader:We use it to eat the dead crystals then regenerate them, or try
*they all try *
Crusader:almost done
Luke, log:Were late for our shifts
Crusader, flix:were already working

*crusader and flix are staring at diagrams, exept now sporto, luke, log and solan are there*
Sporto:So you would have to be able to replecate it again, but as opposed to normal replication that we cant do for dilithium we only replicate the energy signatures
Solan:There is logic, but not alot of it
*crusaders steak arrives*
Solan:I do not mean to be offensive commander sporto but humans are still barbarians in some way
*solan leaves*
Crusader:his problem
Luke:But its hard, the napalm is the only thing that can break it down to the point of putting energy back into it.
Logalot:And that napalm is highly unstable
Simmo(over shipwide):+All senoir officers to the bridge+
*Crusader log and luke continue eating*
*flix and sporto leave*

i did this on my laptop at school while i was bored......
fire suppression doesnt work in the sci lab becuase we have lots of sensitive equipment!
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 262
Join Date: 07-09-2002
Posted at 3:34 am, 9th November 2002
Logalot tells Luke about his run in with the captain earlier that day.

Logalot: I didn't know that the mission was classified!
Luke: Heh, I should've mentioned it
Logalot: How did you find out?
Luke: Let's just say that not everyone erases their PADS when they're done.
Logalot: Right, right, I'm gonna go look around the ship on my off time.
Luke: Alright, see you later.
Logalot: Don't be setting any alarms off at me next time!

Logalot made his way back to Deck 8. It was his favorite part of the ship. The emergency command center hadn't been touched, and he soon figured out that no one really minded if he hung out there. He didn't, of course have the security codes to activate the command consoles, but the standard terminals were operating. The command center also had a few replicators, which Logalot used to replicate food, paper and pencil to draw with, etc. Every once in a while, an officer would walk by, not giving him more than a passing glance. Eventually, he decided that it was time to do something else, and he ran a holodeck program until his shift was up.

<Main Engineering>

Logalot: Reporting for duty Commander Sporto.
Sporto: Okay, I need you to go help fix up the Waverider, I sware, that thing is as good as scrap at this point.
Logalot: Right away sir.

Logalot finally saw the broken down Waverider for the first time. Sporo was right, the case seemed close to hopeless, yet he still saw Christine welding away at the hull of it, as if it could be done in minutes. Logalot went inside and opened up a panal. He cut some wires and replaced them, moving on. He entered the Engineering section of the Waverider, and his hair stood on end. Its warp core didn't seem to stable, and it was rather obvious. Logalot nervously replaced the TFT display on one of the consoles and powered up that console to try it out. It glowed bright, and then went dim again, it was going to be a long day.
Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 3:43 am, 9th November 2002

*crusader has a award in warp theory, he is sent to fix the waverider shuttle*

Crusader:Hmm.....This display is useless. *walks to another* hmm....the warp feild is just about gone. the core is really unstable

Logalot:We have tried to shut it down but the anomoly did somthing to it. The core wont stop

crusader:Strange. look at this *gestures to control* in about ten days the core will probably blow. the feild generator doesnt even exist and the repairs *no offense simmo* were crappy

Logalot:yep, but its our job to fix it

Crusader:Its going to be one long day

Logalot:yes it is

*crusader walks over to a working replecator*

crusader:computer, one romulan ale
*when nothing appears crusader and logalot start laughing*

Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 4:14 am, 9th November 2002
Third time's the charm. *crosses fingers*


Commander Scooter was getting bored on the bridge, since he'd been sitting there for the past few missions, so he headed down to Deck 4.

<Waverider docking port>

Scooter: "How are things coming along?"
Christine: "It'll take a while, but I think the hull can be repaired, if you don't mind lots of weld marks. It would be better to replace a few of the hull plates, but we don't have the resources."
Scooter: "Alright, make a note to have that done next time we're in spacedock."
Logalot: "We can't get the core shut down, and we've only got ten days before it breaches."
Scooter: "Did you try a manual shutdown?"
Crusader: "I'm going to do that next."
Scooter: "I'd like to learn a bit more about engineering. I did a bit of repair work on the 10to5, but that was minor stuff and it was a long time ago."



BTW: Solan was responsible for the bodge-job repairs on the Waverider.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 4:23 am, 9th November 2002

*flix and luke are now presant*

Crusader:this core is going to nuke, and with the power it took in via the feild it will have enough power to take a whole system with it

Logalot:The manual shutdown gave us somthing scary, it shut down the waveriders warp core but not the energy inside.

Luke:So its still working off the energy from the feild?

Crusader: Yes, but! if it breaches its not going to blow like any other core, the feild will expand to a system size then implode into a size of a micron, taking everything in range with it....

hard delema
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 262
Join Date: 07-09-2002
Posted at 2:16 pm, 9th November 2002

Scooter: What can we do?
Crusader: Maybe if we put the energy on a contant conversion cycle...
Logalot: But if the warp core blows, it could just make a loud "Pop" or it could destroy the whole system!
Christine: It's a chance we may have to take, Sir what do you think?

I'm thinking you'll say yes, and then eventually theh core will blow, and we'll all be taken back in time(But not for a while now)

Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 4:32 pm, 9th November 2002

Scooter: "That's a risk I'm not willing to take just now. I would like to hear Commander Sporto's opinion first. Get him to take a look at it when he's not busy. We've got plenty of time, so let's leave it alone for now and repair other things."


Captain of the USS Serenity
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 4:39 pm, 9th November 2002

Simmo leaves The Constellation and goes to his quarters.

Simmo: +tap+Simmo to bridge, ETA to arrival at Uarus 4.
Waterbury (ops): +We are scheduled to arrive tomorrow, approximately 28 hours time.
Simmo: Understood. Simmo out. +tap+


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 2443
Join Date: 14-04-2002
Posted at 4:56 pm, 9th November 2002
*carlos goes to bridge*
carlos: what is the estimated time we will arrive, assuming we will get there at the same time as the Serenity

ops: tomorrow in 27:30 hours

Captain of...
visit the Offical Irc channel #efmods on irc.quakenet.org
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 12:12 am, 10th November 2002
on: Crusader, sporto, logalot, luke and solan are looking at the waveriders warp core

Sporto:Your right, no way to shut it down

Logalot:It begun to emit a unknown energy signature

*daniels walks in*

Daniels:Sporto, are you doing somthing to the engines?

Sporto:No why

Daniels:Because we have had to reduce speed to warp 6, the feild wont hold anything past it

Crusader:The strange energy signature that the core is emmiting?

Luke:Could be

Crusader:Sporto, i think we should launch the waverider into the black hole GSI-5 which we pass in 5 hours

Logalot:But what are the chances that the core doesnt cause a giant rift, destroying everything?

Crusader:If its anywhere near the Serenity then it will nuke us. The energy from it is causing warp power loss. In about ten hours we wont be able to maintain a stable warp feild.


nice delema
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 798
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 9:01 pm, 11th November 2002
some how the turbo lift got stuck on the way to the bridge because kim and mcfarland were on there way to the bridge almost 20 posts ago... and no one continued their storyline...
Kim looked confused....
Michael: I can get a new warp core never been tested working but not a turbolift
Rebbeca: aha! God let me take a look...
Rebbeca touches somekeys and come circuits
Computer: Freefall in 1 minute...
Michael: Why didn't we use our comm badges?
Rebbeca: Good idea...
+Michael: Kim to Simmo. We are stuck in Turbolift and freefall mode has been activated..+
+Simmo: I will transport you to Transporter Room 1. I was wondering why you were late for the meeting...+
+michael: Thanks be there soon.+
Finally they make there way to the bridge...
Scooter says hi to michael but michael ignores him
In the ready room Simmo gets coffee ready for the big lecture...
<halfway through the lecture explaing what the Ops Lab does>
Simmo: You want the go ahead?
Michael: Yes..
Simmo: Well will we need a new Ops station on the bridge?
Michael: Just upgrade the old one..
Simmo: How long to fully complete?
Michael: Worse case scanrio, 2 month.
Simmo: Well...
Michael: Is that a yes or No?
(SIMMO only u answer)

Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!
Rear Admiral

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Posted at 9:04 pm, 11th November 2002
OFF: I'll get there soon I promise, I'm very busy at the moment, sorry for the delay.


<Continues Kim's post>

Simmo: Yes.
Kim: Thankyou sir.


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 7:23 pm, 12th November 2002
Sorry for the 2-day delay.



Daniels: We're arriving at the rendevous point now. The Columbia is dead ahead.

Simmo: Good. Hail the Columbia Ensign.

Kim: Hailing frequencies open.

Simmo: Good to see you again Captain.

Carlos: Same here.

Simmo: Have you began scan of the system?

Carlos: Not yet. We don't have the advanced facilities you have.

Simmo: Understood. Simmo out. *Comm closes* Crew, you know what to do.

Well, you dont know what to do, so here is the orders:

Engineering, keep analysing the Waverider, dont fix it, keep the leak going and you cant do anything about it.
Science and Ops, work together to run sensor scans.
Helm, move us slowly through the system as we scan.
Medical, well, there arent any medical people, so there's no use in these.
Security teams and Scooter, help in a department of your choice.
Columbia crew including Carlos, follow us around, help in departments onboard your ship.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 798
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 10:25 pm, 12th November 2002
Michael walks into Science Labs to see An officer walk over to him. The officer tells him make sure scanning and deflector are online.
Michael: That is a little easy for me, I am a Lt...
Ofifcer: We all are just do it. I dont have time for pette arguments.
Michael: Aye Scooter (he says sarcasticly)
Michael pulls up a chair and and sits on it relaxing and barely watching the console..
Officer: Do you have a problem Lt?
Michael: Yes
Officer: Then take it up with scooter.
+Michael: Kim to Scooter,+
+Scooter: Go ahead+
+Michael: Can I be reassigned to another post, i am doing cadet work here+
+Scooter: Not right now, just do what your supposed to do+
+Michael: Ah This is fuc...+
Scooter looks at the bridge crew
Scooter: did he just?
<science lab>
Michael:'king crap!
Officer: Dont use that language
Michael: Sorry, i just had a urge to swear i dunno why, sorry. I can boast the output of the deflector
Officer: Can you?
Michael: Yeah, It will require time do you need it?
Officer; I really do. I need 120% output
Michael: That will take a lot of power...
Officer: Test your self
Michael: Sure.

Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 7:44 pm, 13th November 2002

<Serenity Bridge>

Commander Scooter was coordinating the scanning efforts between the science and operations departments. FliX was sitting at Science 1; Crewman Warrick was at Science 2.

Warrick: ¨Warrick to Astrometrics.¨
Toler: +Go ahead.+
Warrick: ¨Try the connection again.¨
Scooter: ¨What are you doing?¨
Warrick: ¨Hooking the main sensors in with the astrometrics sensors to maximize efficiency.¨
Scooter: ¨Good idea crewman.¨
Warrick: ¨It was Lieutenant FliX´s idea, sir.¨
FliX: ¨What are we looking for anyway?¨
Scooter: ¨I haven´t the foggiest, but I´m guessing we´ll know when we find it.¨


Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 9:35 pm, 13th November 2002

(Earlier aboard the USS Columbia)

<Holodeck 2>

*Cadet Garrets stepped forward to see a Borg Drone deactivated at an Alcove aboard a Borg Cube. Garrets took his tricorder out of its pouch and started to scan the Borg and Alcove he was attached to.*

Garrets: Interesting.

*The tricorder screen gave this read out on the Alcove the Borg was attached to.

*Alcove - A port located in a Borg vessel which individual Drones can attach themselves to. These terminals serve a wide variety of functions, such as; serving as a direct link to the Collective; Absorption of power; Regeneration of damaged components; Access to library databank information. These Alcoves contain access terminals and serve as the functional duty stations for the Borg Drones that are located aboard Borg spacecraft.*

*Access terminal- A small port located in a Borg Alcove which individual Drones can attach themselves to. These terminals serve a wide variety of functions, such as; serving as a direct link to the Collective; Absorption of power; Regeneration of damaged components; Access to library databank information. These Alcoves and access terminals also serve as the functional duty stations for the Borg Drones that are located aboard Borg spacecraft.*

Luke_Skywalker55: =/\= +Luke_Skywalker55 to Cadet Garrets, I need to in Science Lab 3. +
Garrets: Yes sir, on my way sir.
Garrets: Computer end Holodeck Program.
Holodeck Computer: +Holodeck Perimeters are malfunctioning. Unable to end program.+

(As soon as the computer relays its message one of the Borg come online.)

Garrets: Oh boy, here we go again.
Garrets: =/\= Garrets to Luke_Skywalker55, The Holodeck is malfunctioning again sir.
Luke_skywalker55: +Roger Garrets, We'll get a tech down there to get it fixed.+
Garrets: Roger, might want to put a hurry on that too. This Borg is awake and I think I made them mad.
Luke_Skywalker55: +heh, roger, Luke_Skywalker55 out.+

*Times pass as Garrets evadeds the Borg Drone*

Borg: Intruder, you shall be Assimilation. Resistance is pointless.
Holodeck Computer: Holodeck safeguard is offline. Please end program.
Garrets: =/\= Garrets to Luke_Skywalker55, Please hurry sir. The safeguards are offline now too.
Luke_Skywalker55: +Roger, the tech is bypassing the Holodeck controls now.+
Garrets: Roger, Garrets out.
Borg: We are the Borg, prepare to be assimilated.
Garrets: Umm, can we talk about it?
Borg: Talking is pointless; you will be added to the collective.
Holodeck Computer: Holodeck controls have been bypassed. Program remotely shutdown.
Garrets: Thank god. =/\= Garrets to Luke_Skywalker55, program canceled heading to Lab 3 now.
Luke_Skywalker55: +Roger, Luke_Skywalker55 out.+

*Cadet Garrets left the Holodeck and headed to the science labs.*

<Science Lab 3>

*Captain Carlos_Technology enters*
Luke_Skywalker55: Ah, Good afternoon sir. What brings you down here?
Carlos_Technology: Just checking up on Cadet Garrets' training.
Luke_Skywalker55: I see, well he is coming along well. He was just doing some research using the Borg Holodeck programs.
Carlos_Technology: Borg Holodeck programs? Aren't must of the Borg programs based on battle tactics?
Luke_skywalker55: Yes sir. We don't have a single program on the Borg for us Scientist to use.
Carlos_Technology: Remind me to get some once we get some shore leave again. How about the Holodeck computer? Is it still malfunctioning?
Luke_Skywalker55: Yes sir it is. We just had to override it to get Cadet Garrets out of the program he was in.
Carlos_Technology: Lets ok ahead and bring the Holodeck offline until the techs can look into it. We don't need anyone getting hurt in there.
Luke_Skywalker55: Yes sir, but I don't think it's the Holodeck its self. Its more likely the program. The techs told me they fixed any problem the Holodeck computer.
Carlos_Technology: Roger, but just the same, lets bring it offline just to be safe.

*Cadet Garrets walks into the lab.*

Carlos_Technology: Cadet Garrets, I hear you had some problems with the Holodeck.
Garrets: Yes sir. Nothing that couldn't be fixed sir.
Luke_Skyerwalker55: Garrets, I have a mission for you. It seems the USS Serenity acquired some advanced Holodeck programs while on shore leave. Once we group up with them, I want you to beam aboard and arrange for copies of them to be sent to us.
Garrets: Yes sir, who am I to see about them sir?
Luke_Skywalker55: The Chief Science Officer aboard the Serenity is Flix. Once you are aboard seek him out.
Garrets: Yes sir. Any idea when we will be along side the Serenity sir?
Luke_Skywalker55: Ops tells me we will arrive sometime today. I will call for you once we are ready. Dismissed.
Garrets: Aye sir, Good afternoon gentlemen.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 9:24 pm, 14th November 2002

Flix:So your saying if we-

*thirteen vials explode*

Flix:Crap, computer turn on fire-

*everything else explodes*

Flix: suppression

*fires are put out*

Crusader:Computer, one alcoholic drink

*a bottle of romulan ale appears, crusader and flix both get glasses and begin drinking it*

Crusader:We have to fix that *drinks*......someday

Flix:*drinks* someday.....

Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:41 pm, 15th November 2002

Simmo: I want a status report from all departments. (Just post one sentence in your post giving your departments status)


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

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Posted at 9:45 pm, 15th November 2002

Sporto: "Everything with reguard to the Serenity is operating well within the established guidelines. As for the waverider, we're having a hard time making any progress with that. Though slowly, time is running out."


Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.

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Posted at 9:52 pm, 15th November 2002

Logalot plopped down in his quarters. It had been a long day, and he voluntarily had worked overtime on the Waverider. It was bitterweet to be as busy as this, it was very exciting, yet very tiresome. He sat down at his console and reviewed the mail he had gotten from his olf commanding officer at Utopia Planita. He had been very fond of Commodore Rain, and they still kept in contact, but he always liked the farewell letter he had gotten from him when he left for the Serenity. After reading a book for a while, he drifted off to sleep.

<Next Day>

Logalot woke up, and performed his usuall morning ritual. He walked out into the hallway, although he didn't know why.

Logalot: Errr... I guess I'll goto the holodeck...

<Door to Holodeck 3>

Logalot: Load program the Amber Spyglass.
Computer: This holodeck is in use.
Logalot: Argh, alright...
*The door slides open*
Crusader: Hey!
Logalot: Hey, eh, what's that running in there...
*There is much partying going on behind Crusader in the holodeck*
Crusader: Oh, Luke and I were having a little fiesta in here!
Logalot: It's 9 in the morning!
Crusader: Never to early to PARTAY! Plus with this mission I think we'll be too busy to have much fun.
Logalot: Well okay, make room!

Luke: Hey! We were jus...
*The program flickers, a "POW" is heard, and the program goes offline.
Logalot: What was that?
Crusader: I guess putting in one thousand personalities is bad...
Logalot: Well, YES
Crusader: Sorry about that...
Logalot: Logalot to engineering, I got a broken holodeck, holodeck 3. I'm going to get my stuff and see if I can repair it.
Sporto: +Okay, may I ask who caused it?+
Logalot: Well, Crusader dis, but he was running a uh... complicated research program.
Sporto: +Okay, Engineering out+
Crusader: Can I help you fix it? I owe you for covering my tail...
Logalot: You sure? Okay, I'll go get my kit.
Luke: My shift is in 30 minutes, I have to go.
Crusader: No problem, justr don't tell anyone about this okay?
Luke: I wont.

Logalot and Crusader began working on the holodeck, learning a lot about each other as they went.
Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.
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Posted at 11:36 pm, 15th November 2002

Obiko: "Ensign Oldham sprained her wrist playing tennis. I'm treating her injury right now. Other than that I have nothing else to report, sir."


Not sure what to report as we're the only ones in the command department, so I thought I'd speak for the NPC department of which I used to be a member of. Smile

Captain of the USS Serenity
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 2:31 am, 16th November 2002

Crusader:+Crusader to simmo. Science is running fine, we may have a situation for the waverider


FLIX! when will u post!
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 262
Join Date: 07-09-2002
Posted at 2:59 am, 16th November 2002
Crusader had left for his shift, and Logalot was still tinkering with the holodeck

Logalot: Computer, run test program 43.

The large block fizzled in and out of existance, and then disappeared completely. Logalot got frustrated and went down to Main Engineering. He checked the reports, and all the other holodecks were malfunctioning too.

Logalot: ARGH! This makes no sense!
Christina: NO! THIS makes no sense!

Logalot turned around and saw her, she was just done with her shift on the Waverider.

Christina: Holographic projectors all over the ship are getting fuzzled up too.
Logalot: What's the problem?
Christina: Well, things seem to get worse when they are closer to the Waverider, so it may be disruptions from the Waverider core.
Logalot: *Mumble* *Mumble* I need a break, I'll be back for my shift in an hour.

We need to get this plot moving...
Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.

Posts: 625
Join Date: 29-05-2002
Posted at 3:38 am, 16th November 2002
Manhunter ordered everyone to go and help with any department they want to but try to help the engineers. So thats what Manhunter did he went right down to the waverider.
Manhunter: Is there anything I can help with?
I think this would be a TAG but iam not sure. Wha?

Chief of Security/Tactical on the USS Serenity


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Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 8:00 am, 16th November 2002

*To Manhunter*
Sporto: "Yes, we need an experienced security officer to assist us with some tests. The Waverider's core is emitting some strange energy waves. We're trying to predict the effects that different energy beams have on the core before actually submitting it to them. Its a very delicate process, the beams have to be calibrated just right, otherwise, the core could be set off. Being a security officer, you're more experienced with energy beams than any of my staff, so you can help them with their tests."


Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 8:09 am, 16th November 2002

<Aboard USS Columbia>

<Science Lab 3>

* Luke_Skywalker55 walks into the lab to see Cadet Garrets working on some project.

Luke_Skywalker55: What are you working on there Cadet?
Garrets: Just a little project sir. I have been working on for about a year now.

*Luke_Skywalker55 takes a look at what ever it is he is working on

Luke_Skywalker55: Umm, I don't see anything.
Garrets: Here, try these on sir.

*Garrest hands him some glasses he had been wearing

Garrets: Its a Micro Bot, hard to see with the naked eye, but with the glasses you can see it just fine.
Luke_Skywalker55: Yes I see. What does it do?
Garrets: Well when its done, it will do many task. Its main purpose is to allow safe access to danager zones. Can be used for gathering intel and many other missions.

*Luke_Skywalker55 takes off the glasses and hands them back to Garrets

Luke_Skywalker55: Fascinating, keep me informed on your progress. Oh I almost forgot, the techs told me that the holodeck program you where using ealier is corrupted. I need you to pick up a replacement program once you get aboard the Serenity. Remember, its program #04678.

*With that said, Luke_Skywalker55 turns and starts to head out of the lab.

Garrets: Yes sir.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 11:43 am, 16th November 2002

Simmo: Thanks for the reports. I'm off to check on the Waverider. Commander, you have the bridge.

Scooter: Aye sir.

<Outside Waverider>

Simmo: How's it look?

McLean: Not good, the leakage is continuing, its leaking out into space. I've managed to stabilize it enough that it won't leak into our ship.

Simmo: Good.

McLean: However, I cant stop it completely.

Simmo: *sigh*

McLean: What?! Wait! Somethings happening, the leakage is increasing!

Simmo: How?!

McLean: I don't know, I might have..............

Suddenly, there is a big flash of light coming from outside the ship, the ship shakes terribly sending Simmo and McLean hurtling to the floor. Consoles begin to spark and the lights flicker. A few seconds later, it stopped.

McLean: What was that?

Simmo: I dont know. +tap+Simmo to bridge, report.

Scooter: +We're not sure captain, wait, we've got something on sensors, its a ship, Federation............ it's the 10to5!

Simmo: How's that possible?

Scooter: +Readings show we've gone back in time.+

Simmo: Whoa. The Columbia?

Scooter: +Hang on... she's here too.+

Simmo: I'm on my way to the bridge.

Okay, we're back! You can post yourselves trying to figure out what happened, and stuff like that. Scooter, or another senior bridge officer, post the 10to5 hailing.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 1:37 pm, 16th November 2002
on: they are at the waverider, and they just about the 10to5


Logalot:i though-


*they run out, a containment feild goes up behind them*


Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 3:42 pm, 16th November 2002

Scooter: "Hail them!"
McFarland: "On screen."
Vanhal: +This is Captain Vanhal of the USS 10to5."
Scooter: "You don't know how good it is to see you again sir."
Vanhal: +Quit fooling around Cadet.+
Scooter: +Sir?+
Dobberman: +Captain, their temporal signature doesn't match ours.+
Scooter: "Exactly right Dobber. You see Captain, we're from the future."
Vanhal: +Is that other ship from the future too?+
Scooter: "Yes, that's the USS Columbia commanded by Captain Carlos."
Vanhal: +Damm that Carlos, how did he make it to captain?+
Carlos: +What are you talking about, I'm an ensign.+
Everyone: "Shut up Carlos!"


Captain of the USS Serenity
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 4:16 pm, 16th November 2002
on:Crusader and the rest are having hell

Computer:Warning, thoron radiation levels at 10, 000 ppm, containment feild failing.

Sporto:Crap, Everyone evacuate this section. *radiation doors close behind them*

Computer:Warp core breach in 28 minutes!

Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 4:24 pm, 16th November 2002

Simmo ran out onto the bridge, seeing Scooter talking to Captain Vanhal. He saw the face of his younger self on the screen sat infront of Vanhal. They both seemed to look at each other in confusion.

SimmoNOW: Captain?
Vanhal: Lieutenant?
SimmoNOW: It's Commodore actually.
Vanhal and SimmoPAST: COMMODORE?!?!
SimmoNOW: Yeah, I'm kinda suprised myself.
Vanhal: What's happening here?
SimmoNOW: We dont know. *Turns around* Any ideas crew?


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 4:27 pm, 16th November 2002
okay sorry for the lack of me in this mission, iv been busy with school crap. Muhahaha

okay ive got a lot of reading to cach up with.


flix was lying in a hallway unconcious when Crusader can running allong the hallway

Crusader grabbed FliXs arm and tried to wake him, shouting run run....

FliX: slowly awakening not thinking just doing what Crusader told him , not knowing where he was or why he was running he just ran and tried to keep up with Crusader.

FliX fell over and was uncontious again.

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 4:51 pm, 16th November 2002


Obiko:He received a fair dose of thoron radiation

Crusader:Will he be alright?

Obiko:he needs to return to sickbay every nine hours for the next two weeks, if he becomes weak just tell me


CrusaderEek!kay, i thought he died for a moment

Flix:That was close

*they walk back to sci lab
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 4:56 pm, 16th November 2002

flix sitting on his bed in sickbay, decided to take a look at his medical file as he wasnt in sickway very often

still having a big headache he decided to go to the lab.

he couldnt remember shit from the last 2 days, his head was killing him, just befor he reached the sickbay doors, he decided:

FliX: do u have anything against this terrible headache?
Obiko: no sorry, ur best of lying down and having a nice cuppa tea.
FliX. okay thanx

turning round Crusader was standing right infront of him.
Crusader: how are u sir
FliX better, thank you what happened?
Crusader: long story
FliX: okay tell me on the way to the lab, will u join me?
Crusader: okay

they leave sickbay heading for the lab

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 5:18 pm, 16th November 2002


Scooter: "It's got something to do with the Waverider warp core, but I'm not sure what exactly. Our engineering people would probably be able to tell more."



Vanhal and Dobber: here's your chance to get involved again!

Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 798
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 11:33 pm, 16th November 2002
Michael walks on the bridge and scooter stares at him.
Michael: What?
Scooter:Nothing, continue
Michael: You would like that!
Scooter: Is it me or are u in a bad mood?
Michael: O sorry sir.... Ass!
Scooter: PMS?
Michael spits near Scooters foot.
Scooter: Lt? What is your problem
Michael: You! You bas...
Simmo quickly interupting
Simmo:Lt, get in here now!
<Ready Room>
Michael: Sorry sir...
Simmo: One minutes your the best officer, next your from Hell's Kitchen!
Michael: I was... when i was 14 to 17
Simmo: Theres a place called Hell's Kitchen
Michael: Yes sir, in Manhatten...
Simmo: O. Oh well. Any way Kim, keep your head. I know this disease must be hard but try and keep your head.
Michael: You haven't told anyone, have you?
Simmo: Don't worry Lt. I told the Doc we are just hypothetically thinking if a disease liked this occured. He is close to a cure, but another few weeks until it is finalised.
Michael: Thanks. But why is my anger always pointed to Scooter?
Simmo: The disease picks a person who you do have bad feelings toward and exerts them at a freqency that you can't keep up with..
Michael: Otherwords it says what I am to scared to say
Siommo: Yes. So you really think Scooter is a Bast...
Michael: Yes, can we leave the subject.
Simmo: Ok. I have an assigment. Start the new Ops lab. Take some officers...
Michael: Thanks

Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 11:44 pm, 16th November 2002

Luke_Skywalker55: =/\= Luke_Skywalker55 to Transporter Room 1, are the transporters online?
Transporter Operator: +Thats a negitive sir. What ever transported us here, has hooked out all the transporter relays. We should have them fixed within the hour.+
Luke_Sjywalker55: Ok, keep me informed, Luke_Skywalker55 out.

*Luke_Skywalker55 walks over to a portal and looks out.

Carlos_Technology: =/\= +Carlos_Technology to Luke_Skywalker55, I need you to gather some of your crew together and report to shuttlebay 1. We need to send them over to the Serenity for support.+
Luke_Skywalker55: Yes sir, I'll send Cadet Garrets and a few others.

*Luke_Skywalker55 walks over to his computer and pulls up a list of all the crewmen in the Science Department.

Luke_Skywalker55: =/\= Luke_Skywalker55 to Cadet Garrets, meet me in Shuttlebay 1 in five mins.
Garrest: +Yes sir on my way now+

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.

Posts: 262
Join Date: 07-09-2002
Posted at 12:20 am, 17th November 2002
Logalot's hair was still blown backwards, and his face still slightly charred as he studied the Waverider core with Sporto.

Logalot: I can't detect any kind of energy in this core at all now... No potential energy, no kinetic energy, and no chemical energy.
Sporto: How are we going to get back?
Logalot: Well, we could...
Sporto: No, We're not going to hire Carlos and Crusader to shoot at our warp core until it results in a temporal explosion!
Logalot: Well, if you have any better ideas...
Sporto: Hehe, Well, I'm going to make a report to the captain about this. You and the res of the staff's work is greatly appreciated.
Logalot: Thank you sir


Maybe a talk between Simmo and Sporto about this later on...
Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 1:42 am, 17th November 2002

*Cadet Garrets steps into the turbolift to find Luke_Skywalker55 on his way to Shuttlebay 1

Luke_Skywalker55: Cadet Garrets, I am going to place you incharge of the grewmen we are sending over to the Serenity. You will report back back to me once a day with the crewmens statues.
Garrets: Yes sir. Whats the situation over there sir?
Luke_Skywalker55: Not sure really, the Captain wants you guys to aid the crew of the Serenity in reapirs and whatever they need you guys for.
Garrets: Understood sir.

*As the turbolift comes to a stop both Luke_Skywalker55 and Garrest step out to see the crewmen already there and ready to go.

Luke_Skywalker55: Good looks like everyone is here. Listen up men. As of right now you all are being ordered to the USS Serenity to aid in reapirs and address the sitiation at hand. Cadet Garrets will be incharge of the group and shall report back to me with your statues once a day. OK everyone get on the shuttle and prepare to depart.

*Cadet Garrets and the crewmen aboard the shuttle.

Shuttle Pilot: Just sit back and relax, we will be aboard the Serenity in about 10 mins.
Comptuer Voice: +Enviorment shield in place..... Shuttle bay Door opeming..... Docking clamps released..... Shuttle Craft Away.+

Shuttle Pilot: =/\= Shuttle Craft 0124 to USS Serenity Shuttle Bay Control, request permission for type bravo tranfer to Shuttle Bay 1.
Serenity Hanger Bay Control: +Shuttle Craft 0124, You are clear for type Bravo tranfer to Shuttle Bay 1.+

<Ten mins later>

Shuttle Pilot: =/\= Shuttle Craft 0124 to USS Serenity Shuttle Bayu Control, request landing clearance.
Serenity Shuttle Bay Control: +Shuttle Craft 0124, you have permission to land.+

*Shuttle lands in the Shuttle Bay as the Shuttle Bay door close behind them.

Shuttle Pilot: Wlecome to the USS Serenity. Please picking up all your trash exit the shuttle exit now. And have a nice day.

*Cadet Garrets and the team of crewmen exit the shuttle craft.

Garrets: Ok listen up, you guys head down to the crewmen quarters and get your gear stored. I will locate the Chief Science Officer and report in.
Crewmen: Yes sir.

*Garrets walks over to a cmputer system

Garrets: Computer please locate the Chief Science Officer.
Computer Voice: + The Chief Science Officer, Flix, is currently located in Science Lab 2.

*Garrets leaves the computer system and heads to a turbolift

Garrets: Science Labs

*The turbolift shoots up for a few secs and then comes to a stop. Garrest exits and heads to Science lab 2.

<Science Lab 2>

Crusader: Sir, the crewmen from the USS Columbia should be aboard by now.
Flix: Crewmen from the Columbia?
Crusader: Yes sir, the Captain requested some men from their Science Department to give us a hand.
Flix: Oh ok, that will be nice. We can use the help.

*Garrets enters the Science Lab

Garrets: Good Afternoon gentlemen, Cadet Garrets USS Columbia, reporting in.
Crusader: Well speaking of the devil. Welcome aboard Cadet. Where are the rest of the crewmen?
Garrets: I sent them to the crewmen quarters to store their gear sir.
Crusader: I see, I take it you know what is going on Cadet.
Garrets: A little sir. My Co didn't have much info for us.
Crusader: Yes thats about how much we have right now, not much.

*Crusader briefs Garrets on the current situation.

Crusader: Ok, first I want you to brief the rest of the crewmen from the USS Columbia and then report back here in an hour.
Garrets: Yes sir.
Flix: One second Cadet. I need you to run this report to Captain Simmo on the bridge. He will also want to know that you guys are aboard.
Garrets: Understood sir.
Flix: Good dismissed.

*Garrets leaves the lab and heads back to the turbolift.

Garrets: Bridge.

*The turbolift shoots up again and comes to a stop at the bridge. Garrets steps out and takes a look around. And then walks over to the Captains Chair.

Garrets: Good Afternoon Captian, I have a report from the Chief of Science for you sir. (Hands him the report)
Simmo: How is everything down there?
Garrets: I'm not really sure sir, I just got aboard.
Simmo: Just got aboard?
Garrets: Yes sir, I am with the crew the USS Columbia sent over.
Simmo: Ah I see, I see. Well welocme aboard, I take it Flix has briefed you on the current situation.
Garrets: Yes sir, I have been fully briefed on the situation.
Simmo: Good, well don't let me keep you from your duties.
Garrets: Aye sir. Good Afternoon sir.

*Garrets Steps back into the turbolift and heads to the crewmen quarters. When there he briefs the USS Columbia crewmen about the situation and then heads back to the Science Labs.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 2:59 am, 17th November 2002

*Sporto waited impatiently for the turbolift to reach the bridge. He thought he might have a lead on how they got here and he wanted to talk to the Commodore about before he forgot it. The lift chugged to a halt and the doors opened to the bridge. Even though he knew what was going on outside the ship, he was still stunned to see his first ship, the 10to5, on the screen, seeming so small against the starry background. Just then, Simmo noticed him.*

Simmo: "Do you have something to report Commander?"

Sporto: (Brought back to reality) "Umm, yes sir. In your ready room?"

*Simmo gestured for Sporto to head into the ready room just off the bridge. Simmo sat down behind his desk while Sporto sat in one of the comfortable chairs on the opposite side.*

Sporto: "Well sir, I know what brought us here but I'm not quite sure why."

Simmo: "The waverider's core?"

Sporto: "Yes."

Simmo: "I'm starting to hate that damn thing."

Sporto: "As are my entire staff. The evidence is clear, right before the event that brought us here, the core became momentarily unstable. After that, the energy in the core was dispersed. Usually, that means a huge explosion that would have destroyed us any any ship within a ten-thousand kilometer radius. Obviously, that is not what happened, why, I cannot explain. We SHOULD have all died back there, but we didn't."

Simmo: "Could it have had anything to do with the space around the Serenity at the time of the incident?"

Sporto: "I thought about that possibility and assigned Solan to work with the Stellar Cartography department. Hopefully they'll find something in their maps."

Simmo: "What are you working on right now?"

Sporto: "Well, that's what I came to ask you about. You see, the waverider's warp core is very simmilar to that on the 10to5. The core on the waverider is completely destroyed, there isn't enough of it left even to figure out what happened."

Simmo: "I can see where this is heading."

Sporto: "With your permission, I'd like to beam over to the 10to5 and examine their core."

Simmo: "Of course, however, you should expect it to be a strange experience."

Sporto: "Why is that sir?"

Simmo: "Because you're on that ship right now."

Sporto: "Oh, that's right, I forgot."

Simmo: "Anyway, carry on, dissmised."

Sporto: "Yes sir."

*They both got up and left the ready room. Upon entering the bridge, their courses diverged. The Commodore went to his chair while Sporto got into the turbolift, and on to an interesting experience.*

<<10to5, Engineering>>

*Cadet Sporto78 cursed under his breath. Being one of the only two engineers on board the 10to5 was a pain as well as a blessing. While he could brag to all his friends from the acadamy about being the assistant chief engineer on board a starship, though a small one, the workload was extreme. It was worse considering that since he hadn't technically graduated yet, he couldn't do any of the serious work. Instead, he was always stuck doing the brainless hard labor and tedious repeatative tasks. This often meant that he was cleaning engine parts and replacing burnt out power relays. The only thing that kept him doing his work, other than Chief Engineer Dobberman's strict schedule, was the knowledge that he would soon graduate, and be able to move on to more respectable work.

Sporto stopped what he was doing and looked around the room. Everything on the 10to5 was cramped. Even the engine room, which was the biggest room on board, still seemed small to him. What made it worse was the fact that he was alone. Usually he at least had Dobberman in the room with him, but all the senior staff was in a meeting at the moment. He laughed to himself. Senior staff on the 10to5 was almost everyone on board, expect of Sporto of course. Sporto and Ensign Carlos, an interesting guy who looked really young for his age.

Sporto's solitude was abruptly interuppted by Captain Vanhal. Still being relatively fresh from the acadamy, Sporto instinctively stood up at attention. The captain just waved him off. Usually, the only reason anyone except Dobberman and Sporto came in to engineering was to get someplace else. This time was different though, as not only Vanhal entered, but Lt. Simmo and Dobberman followed down the stairs. They all walked to the transporter pad situated in the rear of the room. Dobberman activated the transporter. The room was filled with a hum and a shimmering light as a man rematerialized on the pad. Cadet Sporto was stunned to see himself standing on the platform. Except that this Sporto was wearing the pips of a commander on a normal starfleet uniform, as opposed to a cadet's. They looked at each other for a moment, both stunned, especially cadet Sporto, who had no idea of what had happened outside the walls of this cramped engine room. Vanhal greeted the new Sporto while Dobberman explained the situation to the younger Sporto. After Dobberman was finished, Cadet Sporto78 had one thing to say...*

Cadet Sporto: "Well, at least I make it past Lt. before I hit 30."


Ahh, got to love it when I feel inspired. Almost felt like my fingers were writing all this instead of me. Grin

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 3:08 am, 17th November 2002

Commander Scooter walked up to the ready room door and pressed the door chime.

Simmo: +Come.+

As the door opened, Scooter entered and took a seat.

Simmo: "Yes Commander?"
Scooter: "It's Lieutenant Kim, sir. He's been showing a lot of hostility toward me lately, and it's getting worse."
Simmo: "Yes, I'm aware of that. You'll have to bare with him a bit longer, but hopefully we'll get it resolved soon. Don't take it too personally."
Scooter: "That's good to hear."

*Simmo hands Scooter a PADD.*

Simmo: "A team of five crewmen were sent over from the Columbia to assist with repairs. Carlos put a cadet in charge of them. William Garrets."
Scooter: "A cadet?"
Simmo: "He's taken a lot of advanced courses. He's no genius, but definitely well above average. He's in the top 25% of his class."
Scooter: "I guess it's one of those situations where we'll just have to wait and see."

<sickbay, some time later>

Scooter entered sickbay and headed straight for Obiko's office.

Obiko: "Hey Scooter!"
Scooter: "Thought I'd come down and see how you've settled into my old job."
Obiko: "Yeah, we haven't really had much time to talk since we came onboard."
Scooter: "Everything going well?"
Obiko: "I can't complain."
Scooter: "Crewman Matthews isn't giving you any trouble, is he?"
Obiko: "He still avoids coming in for his physical if that's what you mean. Say, it must be wierd for you sitting on the bridge staring at your old ship."
Scooter: "That's what I came down here to talk to you about. Did you ever read Captain Vanhal's file?"
Obiko: "Yeah, he went completely insane and turned into a gas."
Scooter: "Unfortunately I didn't have the proper equipment on board to figure out what was wrong, but with the Serenity..."
Obiko: "I see what you're getting at. But that would be violating the temporal prime directive."
Scooter: "We don't have to necessarily prevent his death. I just feel I need to figure out what happened to him. And if we end up saving him in the process, hey great, but if not, he's already dead, right?"
Obiko: "I'm with ya buddy. It'll be like old times. You and me. Besides, I could use some excitement for a change."

<mess hall>

Scooter entered the mess hall and saw Simmo sitting at their usual table.

Scooter: "Mind if I sit down?"
Simmo: "It is your chair."
Waiter: "The usual, sir?"
Scooter: "Yes please."
Simmo: "Sporto's over on the 10to5. The Waverider's warp core is similar. He thinks maybe it'll give us some leads."
Scooter: "That's what I came to talk to you about. I'd like to go over there too."
Simmo: "Sporto can handle it. There's two of him now you know."
Scooter: "No, not that. I'd like to run some scans on Vanhal, maybe even bring him over here?"
Simmo: "I think I know what this is about. You don't still blame yourself do you?"
Scooter: "No, I'm over that. I'd just like to know what happened. We've got better equipment now."
Simmo: "No violating the temporal prime directive?"
Scooter: "No sir."
Simmo: "Alright, on one condition."
Scooter: "What's that?"
Simmo: "Stop calling me sir when I'm off-duty!"


To be continued later. Wink Grin

(Don't ya just love long posts? I may have been off to a confusing start, but I've still got it!)

Captain of the USS Serenity
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 3:53 am, 17th November 2002
on:crusader and Garrets are in sci lab

Crusader:Computer, what are current thoron radiation levels in the waverider?

Computer:Thoron radiation levels at 500 ppm

Crusader:Would an environmental suit provide adiquate tolerance to this level of radiation?


*Garrets and crusader head to the waverider*

Garrets:So, what were you and flix doing with trandesian napalm?

crusader:We have found a way to recrystalize dilithium

Garrets:By breaking it down and re powering it?


Garrets:hmm......what would happen if you put too much power in it?

Crusader:It would probalby create another warp pocket in subspace

Garrets:So you mean another incedent that caused the freedom's destruction?

Crusader:yep, their advanced warp engines overpowered, and made the subspace pocket

Garrets:which messed with the waverider's core

crusader:yes......................Holy S***

Crusader:+Crusader to sporto+

Cadet sporto:what?


Crusader:Er, older sporto, we have a sketchy theory how to get us back, but.........i have no clue what conditions would affect it

cadet sporto:What the heck are you talking about

sportoEek!kay, ill talk with you guys when i get back


Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 6:35 am, 17th November 2002

Garrets: I was looking at some of the ships logs ealier and I remember seeing something about some unknown elements that where brought aboard the waverider.
Crusader: Yes from what I understand, the waverider dissappeared once the Captain started to beam the elements aboard.
Garrets: Well is there any chance that some of these elements could have remained on the waverider? I also seen that the Waverider was still leaking into space.
Crusader: Yes, the leakage was stablized so it would not leak into the ship, however we could not keep it from leaking out into space.
Garrets: Prehaps if these elements where still aboard the waverider, they could have caused the systems to overload. However with the leakage, the core could have keep from eploding. Kind of like saying the leakage caused the subspace phenomonom to take place in space rather than inside the waverider. I also seen in a report how the leakage was increasing right before our ships went throught this time warp thing. I also seen that some kind of subspace phenomonom caused Ensign_Kims scans while locating the Freedom to increase. These two events could be related. Prehaps the elements picked up are causeing these phenomonoms. (Garrets Laughs) Kind of a wild idea sir.
Crusader: Any idea is a good idea right now.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 10:55 am, 17th November 2002

flix was sitting in sience lab 2 reading the newest report, from Dr. Farnswell , one of the lead scientist on time travel, from earth.
mumbling away to himself he was thinking about the different posibliaties...


computer: Ltnt FliX, 9 hours have passed.

FliX. oh damn. Tank you, deep thought (FliX's nick for the computer)

FliX got up took his pad and headed to sickbay, for his checkup.

5 min later....

FliX walked into sickbay.
FliX: sir here again,
Obiko: ah FliX, okay well have a seat, this will only take a couple of min.
Obiko, gets out his tricorder, scanning
Obiko: okay everything okay, feeling any better yet?
FliX: oh yea i was busyy reading this report, so i didnt have time to think bout my headache.
Obiko: okay very well, have fun reading the rest of the report then
FliX: i will thank you cya later
Obiko: 9 hrs aye
FliX: okay

FliX walkes out, and decided to go to the bridge to see how things where goin.

FliX got out of the turbo lift on Deck 1


he walked over to the science turminal, where ensin Doulani was standing,

FliX: report!
Doulani: nothing to report sir, everything more or less the way its suposed to be.
FliX: okay very well, ensin, you can go down to science and carry on working on your project, ill take over here.
Doulani: very well sir.

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 12:20 pm, 17th November 2002


Garrets: Crusader Sir, I'm going to take some scans of the waverider.
Crusader: I'll scan the core and you take the other systems.

*Garrets takes out a tricorder and starts to scan the systems on the Waverider.

Garrets: Hmm, thats strange.
Crusader: What do you got?
Garrets: I'm reading some unknown particals within the transport buffers.
Crusader: That is strange. Let me take a look.

*Crusader scans the buffers.

Crusader: Wait a minute. These particals are from the elements Captain Simmo beamed aboard, right before the waverider got thrown in that warp field.
Garrets: Well it should be ok, as long as we don't use the transporter for now. From the readings these particals don't have a regulare matter stream. If someone was to beam in, the partical streams would mix with their matter streams.
Crusader: I bet that would be ugly.
Garrets: Yeah no kidding. Has this transporter been used since the elements where beamed aboard sir?
Crusader: Last place I know it was used was while inside the warp field. Captain Simmo used it to beam parts from a shuttle craft over to the waverider.
Garrets: Really, what where the parts used for?
Crusader: To repair the.......................... the core! I think where on to something.
Garrets: Yes, if they beamed the parts over, the particals would have mixed with the matter stream from the parts.
Crusader: Lets scan the core and see if any of the particals are there.

*Both walk over to the core and takes readens.

Crusader: Well look at that. The same particals are fused into the core.
Garrets: Yep, now where gettting somewhere.
Crusader: But how did the Waverider cause us to get thrown throught space?
Garrets: Well from like I aid ealier sir. These particals could in away effect whatever system they are attached to. Incresing its power. It would increse the power of the core until it was unstable.
Crusader: Kind of like incresing the cores warp. If that where so, the core could have gain enough power to break a higher warp.
Garrets: Aye sir, maybe even warp 10.
Crusader: Transwarp? So we where thrown through time, by a transwarp anomoly. Lets take some more readings before we report this. I want to be sure about is.
Garrets Yes sir.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 1:13 pm, 17th November 2002
Anyone notice how there are no senior officers on the bridge any more?


<Mess Hall, after Scooter's post>

Simmo: Stop calling me sir when I'm off-duty!
Scooter: Oh, sorry sir.
Simmo: *sigh*

A message suddenly came in over the comm system.

Waterbury (npc): +Bridge to Commodore Simmo.+
Simmo: Go ahead.
Waterbury (npc): +We're being hailed by the 10to5.+
Simmo: I'm on my way. Simmo out. *motions to Scooter to follow*
Scooter: I'd sure like to know what they're thinking over there.
Simmo: Same here.

<Bridge, a few minutes later>

Simmo steps onto the bridge and relieves Ensign Waterbury from temporary command of the bridge.

Simmo: On screen.
Waterbury: Aye. On screen.

The face of Captain Vanhal appears on the screen, and the small cramped bridge of the 10to5 can be seen behind him.

Simmo: Hello captain. What can I do for you.
Vanhal: I want to know whats going on here.
Simmo: That's something I guess we all want to know. My science officers are working on it right now. I'll send the report to you when I get it.
Vanhal: Understood Lieut....... Commodore.
Simmo: Simmo out.

Scooter: He doesnt seem to like they you outrank him now.
Simmo: It'll be hard for him, since he's used to us being a lot younger.
Scooter: How long has it been since we were on the 10to5?
Simmo: Hmm, it's got to be about 10 years. [realistically since theres no way we could get to the high ranks in a few months]
Scooter: I'll go and find FliX for that report.
Simmo: Good idea.

Scooter leaves the bridge and Simmo heads to the ready room.

Simmo: Oh, Ensign Waterbury, you have the bridge.
Waterbury: Thankyou Captain.
Simmo: No problem.

The commodore enters the ready room, and sits down to read some reports.


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 2:44 pm, 17th November 2002

<Crusader and Garrets in the waverider>

Garrets: Sir, we should be able to use the transporter’s biofilter to filter out the remaining particles into a holding cell. That away we can transport them to the labs for further research.
Crusader: Yeah let’s do that.. Computer, open the transporter’s biofilter and filter all unknown particles into a holding cell.
Computer Voice: +Transfer Complete+

*Garrets scans the buffers again.

Garrets: That did it. All the particles have been transferred.
*Garrest opens a panel and take out the holding cell. I’ll get this to be Lab right away.
Crusader: Ok, I’m going to report what we have so far to Flix. =/\= Crusader to Flix, Cadet Garrets and my-self have come across some unknown particles that remained in the Waverider’s transporter buffers. These same particles are present within the waverider’s core as well. We have filtered the particles out into a holding cell and Garrets is taking them to Science Lab 2 for further research..
Flix: +Ok, I’ll head down there as soon as I can. How did the particles get into the core?+
Crusader: We believe that the particle’s matter stream mixed with some parts that Captain Simmo beamed aboard while trying to repair the core.
Flix: +Ah, I remember that. Ok make a full report and get it to me.
Crusader: Will do, Crusader out.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 3:14 pm, 17th November 2002
on:Garrets, crusader and flix are studying the particals

Crusader:Hey, dont you have a major in borg biology?

Garrets:Yes. why?

Crusader:Because, the borg use transwarp portals, which are like wormholes, at DS9 a ship in the wormhole went out of its path and was thrown into another reality, becuase the 10to5's temporal signatures dont match ours......

Flix:So your saying, simmo accedentally built a transwarp drive, then.......

Garrets:As the serenity moved.....

Crusader:it pulled it out of the transwarp path.

Garrets:But getting back to our time could have hundreds of variables, a nebula that we passed, a subspace partical that the sheilds reflected, even an crewman flushing a toilet could change it


Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 3:27 pm, 17th November 2002
<Science Lab 2>
(Garrets, crusader and Flix)

*Garrets places the holding cell into a Observation Chamber.

Garrets: Computer, analyze the contents of the holding cell.
Computer: +Contents of holding cell is unknown. These particles contain very high amounts of energy consistent with that of the Waverider.
Garrets: Computer, release the particles into the observation chamber.+
Computer: +Particles released.+
Garrets: Computer release energy into the chamber.
Computer: +Amount to be released?+
Garrets: Just a small amount, lets say the amount of energy it takes to light the chamber light.
Computer: +Energy Released.+

*Nothing happens for a second, but all of the sudden all the lights in the lab go out and a few system panels explode and start a fire. .

Crusader: Computer start fire suppression.
*In a few minutes the fire is out.

Flix: Garrets don’t do that again.
Garrets: Computer what happened?
Computer: +It appears the particles has reacted to the energy released into the chamber. The amount of energy inside the chamber is five time what it was and the particles have doubled in amount and tripled in size.+
Garrets: Computer empty the chamber of the energy.
Computer: +Chamber emptied of all energy.+
Garrets: Hmm, very interesting.
Flix: Interesting? You almost got us killed.
Bridge: =/\= +Bridge to Flix, whats going on down there. We picked up on a large surge in the lab.+
Flix: Oh, it was just some stuff we are working on, nothing to worry about.
Bridge: +Ok, well take it easy down there. Bridge out+
*Flix and Crusader start laughing
Flix: Ok lets figure out what just happened.
William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 4:51 pm, 17th November 2002

Garrets and FliX decided to have a good look at the logs, of the experiment, after 10 min Garret jumped up.

FliX: whats up?
Garrets: i found something unusual.
FliX: what
Garrets: i have no idea, ive never seen anything like it.
FliX goes over to have a look at what Gattets was just reading.

FliX: computer analyse the incidence that occoured, 10000 nano seconds after the energy surge.
Computer: es ist nicht möglich zu singen auf spanish!

Garrets: what the F***
FliX: computer lokate comodore Simmo.
Computer ich bin ein Berliner

FliX =/\= to engeneering.

Dogbert: yes FliX.
FliX: i wanted to speak to engeneering
Dogbert: laugh
FlIX are u having problems with the computer up there?
Dogbert: yes hes singing French folksong atm. Solan is allready looking into it.
FliX: understood.

FliX: okay Garrets the computer wont be able to help us for now.
Garrets. okay *laugh*
FliX, well have to look ourselves.
Garrets: sir.

they both sat back down at the table over looking the documents...


lol, lets see what engeneering makes of that Happy
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 5:12 pm, 17th November 2002

<Science Lab 2>
(Garrets, Crusader, Flix)

Crusader: Computer load the Serenity’s plotted courses prior to entering the anomaly to the labs Holographic Projector.
Computer: Plotted course loaded to Holographic Projector.
Crusader: Computer start holographic Projector.
Computer: Holographic Projector started.

*The holographic Projector show the course the Serenity was on before entering the anomaly.

Garrets: What are you looking for sir?
Crusader: Anything that could have altered the Serenity’s warp path.
Flix: Hmm, we didn’t pass much. Not much that the star map knows about.
Garrets: What’s this? *Points to a small circle one the projection.
Crusader: Computer zoom in on area AB248B. *Hologram zooms in Black Hole GSI-5. *Looks over at Garrets Do you think that could have altered the warp path?
Flix: Computer, did the Serenity pass close enough to Black Hole GSI-5, for it to alter the Serenity’s warp path?
Computer: Yes, the warp path would have bent inward when close to the Black Hole.
Crusader: Well there you go. If the warp path was altered by the black hole, and the waverider’s core was emitting a transwarp signature, then when the Serenity’s warp path was altered, the waverider’s core would have flown out of the transwarp path.
Flix: Yes, but that doesn’t explain why the Columbia is here does it?
Garrets: No it doesn’t. But if the waverider’s core was leakage into space, when the core went out of the transwarp path, it could have created a transwarp field in space.
Crusader: I’ve heard of warp fields before, but never a transwarp field.
Flix: Well at least were getting some where. Good job guys. Garrets you got anything else on the particles?
Garrets: Not really, this is just strange. If I didn’t know better, I’d say these particles are really some type of life-form.
Flix: *Crusader and Flix look over at Garrets. Why do you say that?
Garrets: Well they react just like a life-form would. They eat, breath, and, reproduce. It seems they take in the energy from whatever they are around and then emitter some type of stronger energy source.
Flix: Interesting, hopefully the computers will be up again soon. Until then why don’t you guys run and grab some chow from the Mess Hall.
Garrets: Now that’s a good idea.
Crusader: I’m right behind you.

*Garrets and Crusader exit the lab and enter the turbolift. “Mess Hall” The turbolift shoot up for awhile and then comes to a crashing stop.

Computer: +Turbolift is jammed.+
Crusader: =/\= Crusader to engineering, come in over.
Engineering: +Yes we know, the turbolift is jammed. We have people working on it right now.+
Crusader: How long before its fixed?
Engineering: +About half an hour sir. The computers are priority right now. Engineering out.
Crusader: Well how do you like that? Priority? I show him Priority.
*Garrets climbs to the top of the turbolift and open the access panel.
Garrets: Coming sir?
*Crusader starts laughing “Right behind you.


William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 1998
Join Date: 29-12-2001
Posted at 7:33 pm, 17th November 2002

=/\= Vanhal: its amazing the way so much isn't working when this is a brand new ship, you can use part of engineering.

Dobberman: WHAT Eek!

Sporto78 seal the doors to engineering, encript the command codes and power up the x's and o's program on the big screen console.

You go first, I'm O's.


Here we go again!
No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 8:42 pm, 17th November 2002

<science lab 2>
*Scooter walks in.*

Scooter: "Lieutenant FliX, Captain Vanhal would like a report."
FliX: "Sure, no problem. Here's everything we've got up to now. I haven't had time to format the more recent stuff properly so it might be a bit hard to read, but we're getting close to figuring this out."
*FliX hands a PADD to Scooter.*


Young Sporto: "Good job sir, while you were distracting the captain, I sealed the doors, and since the transporter is in here with us, no one is going to get in. Ha ha ha."

*Commander Scooter beams in.*

Dobberman: "Hmm.. I guess we didn't account for that."

Scooter looked and saw the x's and o's program was running on the console in front of Dobberman. He had read about this after he came on board. This was the mutiny. Any minute now Lt Simmo and Cadet Macgrathzie would be beaming in with phaser rifles. Dobberman and Sporto didn't have any weapons; Scooter was caught in the middle of a major event that he wasn't supposed to be present for.

Scooter jumped off the transporter pad: "Computer, delete program Dobber1 and unlock all the doors!"
Computer: "Program deleted. Cannot unlock doors. Security level 5 access required."

Scooter walked up to the pool table and started manually inputting some sequences.

Computer: "Doors unlocked."

One of the doors opened and Captain Vanhal walked in. He didn't look happy.

Vanhal: "Damm you Dobber! You'd better have a good explanation for this or I'll have you court-martialed.



(Hopefully this can resolve peacefully.)

Captain of the USS Serenity
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:08 pm, 17th November 2002

<Uarus IV Planet>

Simmo(young): It seems we have a mutiny going on up there. I'll guess we'd better help. The captain and Chief Engineer are locked in some sort of trance over this lock.

Simmo(young): Simmo666 to computer.

Computer: Recieving

Simmo(young): Computer, overide security lockout 47 gamma and beam myself and cadet Macgrathzie directly to engineering. Authorisation code Simmo Navigator 4 4 6 2 Beta.

Computer: Acknowledged

The two prepare to beam up, both with compression rifles at the ready.

Simmo (young): Time to deal with those engineering maniacs. ENERGISE!

<USS 10to5 Engineering>

Materialising in the Engineering transporter, the young Simmo saw the shocked look on Cadet Sporto78's face.

Sporto: But, I locked that down!

Simmo (young): You forget, I used my security override.

As the young Simmo and cadet macgrathzie held our phaser rifles, he started to speak...

Simmo (young): Stand down, let the captain in, or I might have to figure out how to fire this thing. *looks across the room* Oh, Captain, I see you're in. Who's this? *points rifle to Scooter*.

Scooter: Commander Scooter of the USS Serenity.

Simmo (young): Never heard of it.

Vanhal: He's from the future.

Simmo (young): I see....

The young, and somehow ranked Admiral, Dobberman is looking very confused.

Simmo (young): Admiral, don't think of doing anything, or I'll shoot.


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 1998
Join Date: 29-12-2001
Posted at 9:23 pm, 17th November 2002

Dobberman: Ok, what the hell is going on here? Look I don't think I want to know. As long as my engineering remains in one piece then I'm happy.

Dobberman looks at Scooter with a very puzzled look on his face.

Vanhal: So! Dobberman...pooka?

Dobberman: Don't you raise that tone to me CAPTAIN! I'm your superior officer!

No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 9:55 pm, 17th November 2002

FliX was formating the rest of his report, after 30 min he was done.

he decided to have a bite to eat and go to bed.

FliX took a strole to his quarters, there he reprodjuced a nice lasagne ate it had a shower and went to bed.

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 9:56 pm, 17th November 2002

*As the tensions remain high on the 10to5, Scooter wasn't sure what else to say. Just then, he heard someone signaling him from behind. He turned to see Commander Sporto lounging out in a corner of the room with a drink and some popcorn.*

Sporto: "Scooter, come here, you're going to interrupt the best part."

*Scooter quietly slipped out of the confrontation and joined Sporto.*

Sporto: "Want a drink?"

Scooter: "Ha ha, very funny. Seriously though, are we just going to sit here and watch them shoot each other."

Sporto: "It all turns out all right in the end. Besides, I'm interested to see what it looked like from an outside point of view."

Scooter: "Well, I've only heard about the mutiny. I suppose it couldn't hurt to see it first hand."

*Sporto threw him a drink and they sat back and watched the famous mutiny run its course.*



Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 1998
Join Date: 29-12-2001
Posted at 10:47 pm, 17th November 2002

Scooter: "I think I've already changed too much. I don't think there will be a mutiny anymore."

Sporto: "Aw!"

Dobberman: "What the hell? Two Sporto's? My head hurts!"

No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 1:12 am, 18th November 2002

Scooter: "Do you think our timeline will be affected?"
Sporto: "Maybe, but then again maybe not. If I can figure out how to get us back, there's a chance that everything will return to normal."

Scooter gets up and hands a padd to Captain Vanhal.

Scooter: "Here's that report you asked for, sir."


Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 4:37 am, 18th November 2002

<Science Lab 2>

*Garrets walks into the lab to see the chamber light glowing bright.

Garrets: Computer scan the observation chamber.
Computer: There is currently a surge with the chamber’s computer system.
Garrets: Computer cut all power to the chamber.
Computer: Cuttig powe………
Garrets: Computer respond.
. *As the computer cuts out, a flash of light shoots across the lab. All the panels in the lab explode and a fire starts. One of the explosions throws Garrets against the wall.

*Crusader comes running in

Crusader: Computer start fire suppression
*The computer does not respond.
Crusader: Computer start fire suppression.
*The computer des not respond again. Crusader runs over to the fire suppression panel and turns it on. In a few minutes the fire is out.
Crusader: Garrets. What happened? *Crusader turns around to see Garrets unconscious on the floor.
Crusader: Crap,=/\= Crusader to transporter room 1, lock on to Cadet Garrets and beam him to sickbay.
*In a sec Garrets is beamed out of the Science lab and to sickbay.
Crusader: =/\= Crusader, to Flix, we just had some type of reacting with the particles I think. Almost all of the panels in here are fried and Garrets I’m guessing was hooked out by the blast.
Flix: +Ok I’m on my way down.+
Crusader: Crusader out.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 4:17 pm, 18th November 2002

FliX farely anoyed been awakend by an emergency after 3 hrs sleep, jumped up and got into a new cleaned uniform

FliX was still trying to forget the incidance where he ran out of his quarters only in boxers to follow a weird phenomenon....Na na!

FliX ran to the nearest Turbolift

FliX: science lab 2
Computer: beep

FlIX got out and ran into the lab, only to find havok....

Crusader: good at last ur here
FliX: what the hell is going on here...??
Crusader: Garets got injured he in sickbay.
FliX: +to sickbay+ how is Garrets obiko?
Obiko: hell be just fine in bout 5 hrs, ill be sending his back into duty, only a couple of secondary burns.
FliX: thank jupita, okay out
Obiko: no prob out

Crusader:well thats a relef
FliX: yea it sure is
FliX: okay lets get to finding the problem and get to some fixing...
FlIX:=/\=Ensin Moony, T-suk, and ensin Yu: come down here imidiately we have some work to do...
Yu: but sir im off duty:S!
FlIX: i dont care less, ill pay u a beer next time your off, now come here.
all: ay ay sir.

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 7:42 pm, 18th November 2002

*Garrets sits up on the bed.

Garrets: What happened?
Obiko: You where in the Science Lab when something caused the computer systems to explode.
Garrets: The particles, crap thats what I seen earlier. =/\= Garrets to Flix, the particles have some how merged into the computer system of the Observation Chamber. I'm guessing it happened when it surged the first time. Thats what I seen in the documents we where looking at. After the surge the particles had changed in form. Almost like they changed their own layout to match that of the chamber's systems. I don't understand it all.
Flix: +What caused the labs computers to explode?+
Garrets: I'm guessing they merged into the lab's computer system. The cross-over most have overloaded the Lab's consoles and caused them to exploded.
Flix: +I see, well how are you doing?+
Garrets: I'm ok, a few burns and a big bump on my head. *Laughs
Flix: +Ok, Flix out
Obiko: I want to keep you here for awhile.
Garrets: Ahhh, they need me down there doc.
Obiko: Sorry no can do. You need to rest for a few hours. I can tell by your life signs that you have been awake for a awhile now.
Garrets: Nothing I can't handle.
Obiko: Being that so, it's my duty to ensure that the crew is fit for duty.
Garrets: Understoond. *Garrets lies down and tries to go to sleep.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 10:34 pm, 18th November 2002

by this time the called science personel had arrived in the science lab.

everybody had been assigned clearing jobs by FliX,

FliX: =/\= engeneering: can u please send a team down here, we have loads of work to do...
ensin: understood, where on our way.

FliX: =/\=Simmo: okay we are well underway getting this mess sorted.
Simmo: very well, ill be popping round in a min to see just what happened.

Crusader was busy gathering all the pads up from the ground, that had flowen arround the room,
he was looking for the one he was working on before the insidance had happened

FliX: here you go crusader, i think this is the one your looking for.
Crusader: ahh yes thank you sir.
FliX no problem

FliX left the lab, and went to the turbo lift.

FliX Sickbay

flix got out and walked over to garrets bed.

Garrets: good to see you sir
FliX quite, how are you feeling ensin?
Garrets: right as rain, i would like to come down and help with the clearing up, but the doc What ever!
FliX: thats okay, we have every thing under control , you stay here as long as obiko says so, understood?
Garrtes: aye aye.
FliX okay c you later
Garrets: okay

FliX went back to the science lab, on his way there he met simmo on the hallway.

FliX: sir
Simmo: ltnd
FliX comming to the lab?
Simmo: i had planed to
FliX: good

they arrived back in the lab

T-suk: officer on deck

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 1998
Join Date: 29-12-2001
Posted at 10:40 pm, 19th November 2002

=/\= Dobberman: "Admiral Dobberman to Cadet Technolody, get a phaser rifle and and come to engineering and incapacitate our captives, that's an order.

Stand down Simmo, I'm warning you!"

Simmo666: "Sir, you better not move, and incase you wanted to know, there are only 2 phaser rifles onboard, and we have them.

Cadet Macgrathzie, keep a close eye on that door, if anyone comes through with a weapon, stun them.

Admiral, I'm warning you, open that door."

Dobberman: "Alright, I'll just reach my hand down to this console and open the door."

[Dobberman uses the console and a big flash fills the room, they drop thier weapons and they slide across the floor]

Dobberman: "Computer! Activate a forcefield around the tranporter area!"

[A forcefield appears around the transporter area entrapping simmo and kamkazie]

Dobberman: "Grab a weapon sporto"

[Dobberman picks up one of the weapon and stuns Captain Vanhal]

=/\= Dobberman: "Dobberman to Carlos_Technolody, report....report!"

=/\= Carlos: "I'm coming admiral, but I can't find any weapons."

=/\= Dobberman: "Never mind that, just get to Engineering."

[Carlos comes in the door]

Dobberman: "Stand guard Carlos"

No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 12:55 am, 20th November 2002
onUhhhh!erenity bridge, all havoc is underway

ManhunterUhhhh!ir, the 10to5 is charging weapons


Manhunter:it looks like a mutiny, permission to take aboard an attack squad!

Scooter:Granted, crusader, garrets, daniels, luke, go with manhunter

*they beam out, and find themselfs in the forcefeild*

Crusader:Hmm, a minor setback, nothing to worry about.....garrets? do you have those particals in the phaser?

Garrets:yes, dont kill us sir

Maunhunter:yes, please dont

*crusader takes modified phaser, and destroys the forcefeild, dobberman jumps out and manhunter takes him down. Carlos picks up dobbermans phaser rifle, sets it to kill and fires at luke, the shot hits luke but the strange particals in crusaders phaser cut a tiny bit of the power, luke hits the ground near dead, but slightly alive*

carlos:I DIDNT DO IT!!!!!

Manhunter:Shut up carlos!

*shoots carlos, suddenly a big shockwave rocks both ships, a planet just appeared into the surrounding space. crusader takes one look and says:8

Crusader:Oh, shit no
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


Posts: 262
Join Date: 07-09-2002
Posted at 12:55 am, 20th November 2002

<Deck 2> --- changed from Deck 18, since there are only 8 decks!

Logalot: Ahh! Some peace, finally.

=/\= Engineering to Ensign Logalot Avernite

He hesitated for a moment, whatever they were about to tell him, it probably meant he had to get back to duty, because of the "emergency situation" So he sat there for a second, sucking it all in one last time.

Logalot: Logalot here.

It must have been some low rank command officer down there, it was the first time someone had called him by his entire name. It made him wince.

Engineering: +We have some power surges due to some problems from the science lab, we need you to repair a conduit on Deck 3.+
Logalot: *Sigh* Fine, fine, I'll get on it.
Engineering: Main Engineering out.

He slowly walked to a replicator and replicated up an engineering kit before he started climbing the Jeff Tubes to Deck 3.

<Deck 3>
The atmosphere was tense with so many people franticly rushing around. He got to the broken conduit, and opened it up.

Logalot: Lesseee here... This seems to be related to the turbolify system... Okay then...

Logalot cut out some of the wires, he was reaching for some new parts when he felt his fingers tingle.

Logalot: What in the hell...

That was the last thing he remembered. A security officer found him, and notified sickbay. There he joined Garrets on the "injured" list.


Logalot blinked when he saw the bright light above him. He didn't say anything, he knew exactly where he was, another dimension of course, where lamposts ruled the galaxy. He then saw Obiko's face pull into vision.

Logalot: Oh, it must just be sickbay.
Obiko: Quite right Logo, and if you look to the right, you will see a large box of choco...
Obiko: *Sigh* And I tell everyone it's not good for them, oh well...
Logalot: Hey, who sent these?
Obiko: That one is from Crewman Mclean, Oh, and I'm afraid you'll be here for a while, we still don't know exactly what's wrong with you.
Logalot: Fine with me! Wake me when the work schedule includes a "End of shift" again.

I'm going to be a tad busy, trust me it's for a good cause, so I figured i might as well stick meself in sickbay instead of taking the role of an NPC for a while. It wont be for too long though.
Co-Manager of Elite Roleplaying
Had nightmares of all the bad ideas recieved about the ERP map.
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 3:09 am, 20th November 2002

Scooter, who was still on the 10to5 and not on the Serenity, stepped forward.

Scooter: "Alright, everybody hold it!"

Everyone stopped fighting and stared at Scooter.

Scooter: "All Serenity crew, stop violating the temporal prime directive."
Serenity crew: "Aye sir!"
Scooter: "All 10to5 crew, carry on."

*Simmo whacks Carlos in the back of the head and takes his phaser rifle.*

Scooter: "Scooter to Serenity, beam the attack squad back."
Transporter chief: "Aye sir."

*Crusader, Garrets, Daniels, Luke, and Manhunter dematerialize.*

Scooter returned to the corner where Commander Sporto was sitting and watched the rest of the mutiny play out, even though the course of events had been slightly altered.

Sporto: "Popcorn?"
Scooter: "Thanks."


Come on now people. I'm going to be very busy this week with homework, so I won't be around as much to keep an eye on you guys. Behave yourselves and let history run its course.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 4:13 am, 20th November 2002


<Logalot an Obiko>

*Obiko walks over to a monitor.

Obiko: *Saies to him self. 'Hmm, thats strange.

*Garrets walks in

Garrets: Hey Doc, hows he doing?
Obiko: Well he is awake. But according to this scan he suffered a large shock to his nervous system. And it is also picking up on some unknown anti-bodies within his blood.
Garrets: Computer, try to match the unknown anti-bodies to the recently discovered particles taken from the Waverider's transporter buffers.
Computer: +The anti-bodies have the same biolocial make-up however display a diffrent cell formation than the unknown particles.+
Obiko: Hmm, what do you know about these particles?
Garrets: Not much I'm afraid. All we currently know is that they react to energy from the ships computer systems. They could even be a life-form of some type.
Obiko: Hmm, well we will keep Logalot here until we figure out whats going on.
Garrets: Understood, I am going to the Science Labs to do some more research. Hopefully I can get you more information.
Obiko: Ok, we have a few more test to run down here, and then I'll send to resualts to you as well.
Garrets: Understood. *Garrets walks over to a portal and looks out at the planet that formed in space.

Garrets: +/\+ Garrets to Flix, I would like to suggest an away party take a trip down to this new planet sir. It could hold some keys to the particles and a answer some questions about how we got here and how to get home.
Flix: +Understood, I'll relay that to the Captain and see what he wants to do. Flix out.+

*Garrets leaves Sickbay and heads for the Science Labs.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.

Posts: 625
Join Date: 29-05-2002
Posted at 5:48 am, 20th November 2002
Manhunter says to himself: Yikes right when Iam getting into the story scooter comes along *Heads back to the waverider launchbay*


Chief of Security/Tactical on the USS Serenity

Lt. Commander

Posts: 303
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 4:06 pm, 20th November 2002

FliX =/\= to simmo: sir
Simmo: yes ltnd
FliX: garets would like to take an away team down to the planet....
Simmo: y
FliX: he thinks there might be some key particals and it might answer some questions bout us getting out of here, i might add i fully agree.
Simmo: well okay, ill leve it up to you to set up an awayteam.
FliX: sir thank you sir
Simmo:np simmo out

FliX put together an away team. consisting of garets, ltnd Underhill (engeneering), Ensin Travis (security), Ensin Hoffman (security), and himself FliX.

=/\= okay listen up, get your kit togher we will meet in 10min in transporter room 1.
all: aye aye sir

FliX went to the transporter room, were Ltnd Coval was allready wayting to beam the party down.
Garrets was allready waiting he seemed very xited Happy

then the others came in through the door.

they all got onto the platform

FliX: enegise


Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 5:58 pm, 20th November 2002

Crusader:Sir, i do not reccomend letting them beam down!


Crusader:Sir, six months, 20 days ago, the uss peridote found this planet. On the surface, there is an opposition somwhat like that of the nazis in WWII, they............they publicly excecuted my first officer sir.

Simmo:how did you guys survive

Crusader:there are a number of small factions that fight, the crew joined one of them.

Simmo:Which one?

Crusader:it was call the oE|, it was on the planet i learned how to use this

*pulls out a concealed knife*

Simmo:+transporter room, stop the transport!+

transporter dude:Too late sir!

Flix:+sir, we are being *phaser fire sound*

Simmo:Crusader, get manhunter! assemble a liberation team now!
Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:06 pm, 20th November 2002
I'm busy, so, short post from me.



Simmo: Wait. Crusader, you cant be sure.

Crusader: Well, no, sir.

Simmo: Scan the planet.

Waterbury (Ops): No other lifesigns within 140 kilometers of the beam down point. I am reading a civilisation similar to the one Ensign Crusader described, approximately 1200 kilometers from the away team.

Simmo: So nothing to worry about.

Waterbury: No sir.

Simmo: Good.

No stupid fighting things!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no messing up the mutiny!
Scooter, I want you in charge of our people on the Serenity, as you already are. If you need to, post me on the Serenity fixing any other STUPID things like this that I just fixed.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

Posts: 763
Join Date: 10-05-2002
Posted at 6:42 am, 21st November 2002

Daniels/Dogbert after lounging around the ship doing this and that and all the little things that were included in his routine figured out somewhere that he could help in this mission rather then just old routine things.

Daniels: I've got it!

...Walks down a couple decks...
Doors swish open and there are the biobeds. That's right, Sickbay. Daniels remembered that he has another skill besides Full Navigation, Basic Medical.

Daniels: Doc, anything i can help you with! I figured i should be here since i do have the skill of Basic Medical.


Tired. Going to bed. I'll finish this tommorow seeing as i don't need to go to school tommorow. Na na!

Navigator - USS Serenity

Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 7:26 am, 21st November 2002

(Planet Side)
(Science) FliX (Science) Garrets (Engeneering) ltnd Underhill , Ensign Travis (security), Ensign Hoffman (security)

Flix:+sir, we are being *phaser fire sound* What the Hell are you firing at Ensign Hoffman?
Hoffman: I thought I seen something moveing sir.
Flix: Garrets lets start doing some scans of the area.
Garrets: Yes sir *Garrets takes out his tricorder* I'm reading some life-forms about 140 kilometers away from this location. There seems to be some buildings in that area as well.
Flix: Ok lets avoid them while where here. Garrets lets get some Herbal samples.
Garrets: aye sir, *Both Garrets and Flix gather diffrent types of leafs and berries from a near by forest. Garrets scans the forest real quick with his tricorder.* Wait, I got something over here.
Flix: Possibly more of the planets civilization.
Garrets: No, this isn't the same. The buildings are made of some type of iron ore, this is something completely diffrent.
Flix: Well lets check it out. *The away party walks aways into the forest when they come to a cliff drop off.* Well Garrets, where is this thing at?

*Garrets pulls out his tricorder again.

Garrets: Umm, I think we're standing on it sir.
*Everyone looks down at a bunch of dirt.
Garrets: What ever it is, it is buried about fourty feet into the cliff. And wait... *Garrets looks down the cliff side.* There, a piece of it sticks out of the cliff.
Flix: Great so how do we get down there?
Garrets: Oh come on sir. Haven't you ever been rock climbing? *Garrets walks over to the cliff drop off and starts to make his way down to the object.*

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 10:20 am, 21st November 2002

*As the away team is about to descend the cliff, Flix remembers something.*

Flix: "Hold on there Garrets! Let's be safe, we need some ropes."

Underhill: "Sir, Sporto is a rock climber, maybe he could bring some of his gear down and help us out."

Flix: "Good idea." +Flix to Sporto.+

Sporto: +Sporto here.+

Flix: +We're down on the planet exploring. We've found some interesting structures jutting out of the side of a cliff, but we need climbing gear and someone who knows how to use it help us out. Are you busy?+

Sporto: +Not really, I've been half watching this mutiny take place and half examining the core on the 10to5. I haven't been able to find anything that explains our predicament, so I can help you out. Give me ten minutes to go back to the Serenity to gather my gear and meet you down there.+

Flix: +We'll be waiting right here. Flix out.+


Need somthing more interesting to do. Wink

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.

Posts: 798
Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 6:31 pm, 21st November 2002
Earlyer in the day Lt Kim's Disease, was cured and he sent the specs for the new Ops lab to star fleet....

Simmo:Lt Kim, I have got to speak to you about this Ops Lab.
Kim: Yes?
they walk in the conf room
Simmo: These plans are a bit to extensive for the Serenity. I am sorry
Kim: Is that all sir?
Simmo: No, You sent them to star fleet?
Kim: Aye
Simmo: I am getting the feeling you will be asked to join Star Fleet command,
Kim: SFC?
Simmo: Yes. After all of the Freedom insident. I got a message that they are keeping an eye on you for any new progress...
Kim: So... They want me to device new labs and techniques...
Simmo: Yes, so I guess after we get out this mess. You will be joining them, unless you want to stay...
Kim: It gives me something to think about, but I would like to go sir,
Simmo: I understand.... they also mentioned about when you move you will come a full Lt.
Kim: Yes, once in that lane, premotions come quick I hear
Simmo: Youll be a fleet admrial before me!
Kim: So where do yuo want me now?
Simmo: I want my best ops officer on the bridge! Come on...
Kim: Lets go
They go out
Simmo: Take your station Lt
Kim: Aye sir
Simmo: Status all station!

Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!
Lt. Commander

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Posted at 8:18 pm, 21st November 2002

after 15 min of sitting on a cold rock sporto was beamed nearly on FliXs feat,

FliX: ah sporto welcome to the party Happy
Sporto: ahh hello, so wheres this rock?
FliX points
Sporto: ahh looks like a kindergarten to me
FliX: lol okay, so can u get us all down there safely?
Sporto: sure i can

Sporto started fideling arround with his gear, and was down before Garretts could say "Himalaya"

Sporto shouts up: okay now the next please
FliX: okay, Garrets you go next
Garrets: sir.
FliX: hoffman u stay here incase anything happens.
Hoffman; aye aye sir, and sits back down

after 3 min everyone was standing on a 2 by 2 meter peace of metal poking out of the rock

Underhill: i think i found something, like a control pannel of somesort
FliX: very good, can u figure it out?
Underhill, sure i can.

beep beep beeeeeeeeeeep
and on another peace of metal bout half a meter away a hatch opened.

FliX: ahh well dune ltdn
Underhill: np
FliX: okay lets get over there and into that thing

5 min later they were all standing in a passageway, that was for some reaseon upside down.

Sporto: it looks like a ship
Garretts: well thats for sure
FliX: okay lets splitt up into 2 teams
FliX: underhill u take ensin Travis and go that way
FliX: well go and find the bridge of this thing.
all: aye aye

10 min later the 1st team had arrived in what seemed to be the controll room of the ship

FliX: Garrets go and look for a log book of some kind
Garrets: sir!

FliX: this thing must be lying here for centuries....
Sporto: yea looks like it, but ive never seen technolagie like this....

Underhill + FliX+ Sir theres somethng here, its mooving, we cant tell waht it is, there it is Travis duck [rumgle][phasershots] arrgghh. out

FliX: what the hell, underhill travis do u read me?

FliX: +ensin hoffman+ everythig all right up there
Hoffman was sitting on his rock playing minesweaper on his trikorder
Hoffman: yes nothing here.
FliX: stay allert, weve lost contact to underhill and travis.

Garrets: i found the logbook.
FliX: good download it, and then well go and find the others
Garrets: aye

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin

Posts: 763
Join Date: 10-05-2002
Posted at 8:20 pm, 21st November 2002
(Continuing from my last post)
Daniels: Doc, anything i can help you with! I figured i should be here since i do have the skill of Basic Medical.


Obiko: Ah yes, Lt. you can help me with Ensign Logalot here. I'm not quite sure what is wrong with him. I have a hunch that he has a parasitic infection but i'm not sure.

Just then another patient walks in. They both look towards the new patient, then back to Ensign Logalot on the biobed.

Daniels: Anything i can do?

Obiko: Yes, help every patient that comes in here with a head-ache, stomach ache, and anything else. Then i can get some work done on Logalot.

Daniels: Alright.

Turns to the patient that has walked in...

Daniels: How may i help you?


Navigator - USS Serenity

Lt. Commander

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Posted at 8:44 pm, 21st November 2002

the other patient was infact Crewman mathews from engeneering

Mathewes: hello doc my head is killing me
Daniels: well waht happend
Mathewes: well i kinda banged it on a beam in the jefferies on deck 3
Daniels: okay well have that sorted in no time
Mathewes: thank god its rilly killing

Daniels takes out his trikorder, while sitting Mathewes down on a bed
Daniels: okay nothing terrible just a light injury.
Daniels gets his equipent


Daniels: okay that should do the trick, go and have a lie down,and if its not better in an hour you aught to come back.
Mathewes: okay thanx its feeling better allready
Daniels goodgood

Mathewes had just gotten out of the door
when another person cam in he was holding his hand on his stomach, and looked in pain

Daniels to himself: thats just what i came here for Happy

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
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Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:27 pm, 21st November 2002

<USS Serenity, The Constellation>

McArdle (Restaurant Owner): Where is everyone?

Nesmith (Waitress): I guess everyone's too busy with these anomolies of the planet and 10to5.

McArdle: Too busy to eat?

Briseño (Chef): I canna believe it. My cookin, it is a wasted.

McArdle: Do not worry Nathan [Briseño], I am sure that people will get here soon.

Briseño: I am ahoping so.

*With that said, Simmo and Kim walk through the door.*

Simmo: So, I assume your looking forward to this assignment at Starfleet Command, if you get it of course.

Kim: Yeah, it'll be a nice change of scenery. However, it'll be a shame to leave this ship.

Simmo: It'll be a whole different ship without you.

Kim: I'll miss the crew.

Simmo: Assuming you get the place.

Kim: Yeah.

Nesmith: Is there anything I can get for you two?

Simmo: The usual.

Nesmith: 1 chicken caesar salad. Mr Kim?

Kim: I'll have the special.

Nesmith: Very well. I'll tell the chef.

*Nesmith walks over to tell Chef Briseño.*

Nesmith: Ah, Nathan, we've got one chicken caesar salad for the captain, and a special for Kim.

Briseño: Ah, excellent. Customers at last.

Nesmith: And good customers at that. Lets hope there's more later.


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

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Join Date: 07-06-2002
Posted at 10:54 pm, 21st November 2002
Kim walks into Rebbecas Room and she is smiling, Michael starts to massage her
Kim: We gotta talk
Rebbeca: What?
Kim: I dunno how to say this
Rebbeca looks worried now stands up and turns
Kim: I am leaving the serenity
Rebbeca: Where to?
Kim: SFC
Rebbeca: SFC! That isn't even a ship, we may never be on the same missions!
Kim: It isn't for definite but I wanted to tell you before it is
rebbeca: So it is just goodbye,. goodluck!
Kim: Sorry but I really need this
Rebbeca: Yeah i really need you
Kim: My job or you again?
Rebbeca: Last time you picked your job. Now pick again
Kim: Let me think about it
Rebbeca: You always think about it! You dont care any more
Kim: I do
Rebbeca: What happened to that nervous little 21 year old who always had so much fun
Kim: I dont know
Rebbeca: I do, the work killed him
Kim: Sorry, rebbeca:
Rebbeca: Is this it?
Kim: I dont know
he walks out...

Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!
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Posted at 12:24 am, 22nd November 2002

Simmo: "Oh no! Sir, I think Vanhal might be injured, permission to let me out of this force field and go check on him, I'm the only one with any medical stuff after all. Hey, you've got the weapons."

Dobberman: "Sporto, keep your weapon on Maximum stun."

As the force field drops Kamakazie grabs doberman and uses him as a human shield.

Kamakazie: "Drop your weapons or I'll snap his neck! You heard me Sporto slide your weapon over to Simmo or I'LL KILL DOBBERMAN"!

Scooter: "Computer, activate program Vanhal666."

Computer: "Locking down all systems, doors, weapons, shields and mice???"

Simmo: ""What, erm...?"
*Realises he has no weapons and has been stood still since the force field dropped. *
Simmo: "Yes, erm, sir. I was only working in the best interests of the ship. The engineering crew were mutinying... and..."

*Scooter loads a hypospray with sleep stuff and injects it into Dobberman's leg.*

*Dobberman is sleeping, dreaming about the courtmartials that will ensue.*

Scooter: "Simmo, lock Carlos in his quarters. Kamakazie, do the same with Dobberman."

Simmo and Kamakazie: "Aye sir."

Scooter: "Sporto..."

Sporto: "Sir, I was only following orders!"

Scooter: "Yeah, I know. Bring the warp core back online."

Sporto: "Thank you sir."

Scooter pulled out a medical tricorder he had borrowed from Obiko and started scanning Captain Vanhal.


There, timeline was slightly altered, but nothing that will affect the future, assuming the timeline doesn't get restored when we get this all sorted out. And they still didn't get that rock sample...

Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 4:14 am, 24th November 2002

<Inside Alien object located planetside>

*Garrets looks over the data as it is downloaded.

Garrets: Hmm...... What? How could that be?
Flix: What is it Garrets?
Garrets: It seems that some of the ships crew survived the crash. They reported something about a planet appearing out of no where. The ship was then trapped in the planets obital pull and crash landed.
Flix: Anything else?
Garrets: Yes sir, it appears this cliff was once a cave system of sometype. The force of the crash caused the caves to collapse and thats how it got here.
Flix: I see.
Garrets: The crew sent out parties to check out the local area and they reported a small civilzation of some unknow race.
Flix: Hmm. Sounds like the buildings the scanners picked up.
Garrets: Yes sir. Interesting....
Flix: What is it?
Garrets: The ships logs have another report of another anomoly like this happening.
Flix: What does it say?
Garrets: According to the ships logs, the planet was brought here by a Subspace Rift of sometype.
Flix: Subspace Rift?
Garrets: Yes sir, according to the logs, these types of Rifts could pull anything out of normal space and then push it into a different realitiy. Well there goes our transspace warp theroy.
Flix: Ok lets find the other team and get the hell out of here.
Garrets: Aye aye sir.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Lt. Commander

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Posted at 9:39 am, 24th November 2002

Team1 went off to find the other team

Garrets: this thing is huge, and one could get lost here very easily.

Sporto: well the fakt that the ship is wrong way round doesnt help.

then they heard someone talking

Travis and underhill were talking.

FliX: pst underhill can u here me?

underhill: sir?
FliX: what happend ?
Underhill, dunno were locked into this room, and our equipment and combadges have been taken, we didnt see the guys who did it.

FliX: k, give us a sec, well have u out in no time
Sporto: presses a button

wush, and the door was open.

FliX: okay no time lets get out of here

5 min later they where standing on the ledge at the side of the cliff again

and 10 minutes later they where with hoffman again

FliX +coval+

get us back up.

Coval: sir

(back on the ship)
FliX : okay everybody go and write your repots and then have a look at what we found...

all: sir

they all left

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Chief Science Officer on the USS Serenity

"man is only free under Equaly free men": M.Bakunin
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 11:41 pm, 25th November 2002


The doors to Carlos and Dobberman's quarters had been locked, but Chief of Security McGrathzie wasn't taking any chances. He stood holding a phaser rifle in his hand with one eye on Carlos' door and the other eye on Dobberman's door. Sporto was finishing bringing the warp core online.

Vanhal: "Uh, my head hurts."
Simmo: "It's over now, sir. Kamakazie has Dobberman and Carlos locked up."
Scooter: "Interesting."
Vanhal: "What?"
Scooter: "I'd like you to come back to the Serenity with me so I can run some more tests."
Vanhal: "Are you a doctor or something?"
Scooter: "No, but I used to be. Or I'm going to be at least in your case."
Vanhal: "Um, ok don't bother explaining that let's just go."
Scooter: "Scooter to Serenity. Two to beam back."
Morjis: +Aye sir.+

<Serenity sickbay>

Vanhal: "Nice ship you have here."
Scooter: "Thanks."
Obiko: "Ah, so this must be the famous Captain Vanhal."
Vanhal: "I'm famous?"
Scooter: "Sort of I guess."
Obiko: "Have a seat over here please, sir."

Scooter whispered something to Obiko, and showed him the readings on his tricorder. Obiko nodded and they started running tests on Vanhal.


Captain of the USS Serenity
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Posted at 12:11 am, 26th November 2002

<wakes up in the Brig/Officer's Quarters>

YAWN! <smacks lips> MMM A replicator! Hmm, lets see, I want a choclate sunday, a cheese omlet, a patotoe cake, a bag of chips, the biggest fruitcake in the universe....<goes on for ages>....and a strawberry ice-cream.

<computer makes beeping noises, stuff starts to replicate but there is too much and it explodes, blowing a whole in the wall>


<Dobberman escapes from the room and makes his way to the bridge>

No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 1:19 am, 26th November 2002
on:Crusader and manhunter are having bevrages

*back to dobberman*

dobberman:computer, beam me to deck7 of the serenity


*dobberman beams out*


On:manhunter and crusader are walking along deck 8, talking

kim:+kim to manhunter, an unautherized beamout put someone on deck 7, they are crawling via the jeff tubes to deck 8+

manhunter: affirmative

*crusader and manhunter lie in wait*

dobberman:now ill steal a -

crusader:Weve been expecting you

*manhunter fires his phaser on stun at dobberman*

Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity


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Posted at 2:05 am, 26th November 2002
=/\=+Manhunter to Will Travis can you help me bring Dobberman to the brig.+
+Travis: sure thing+
+Manhunter: Manhunter out+

Chief of Security/Tactical on the USS Serenity

Cadet 3rd Year

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Posted at 4:12 am, 26th November 2002

<Science Lab 3>

*Crusader walks into the lab.

Crusader: Garrets, what you working on?
Garrets: Oh just a personal log sir.
Crusader: I see, I'm about to start working on some of the stuff you guys brought back. You want to help?
Garrets: Sure thing sir.

*Garrets walks over to a computer terminal.

Garrets: Computer load all data taken from the alien craft.
Computer: +Data load+

*Crusader and Garrets start to look over the logs
Garrets: I don't see anything I didn't see the first tim... Wait....
Crusader: What is it?
Garrets: Here, the date this file was last opened.
Crusader: A few weeks ago.
Garrets: You think the planets race could have located the craft?
Crusader: Impossible, even if they did, they would not be advanced enough to access the ship and its logs.
Garrets: So than who opened it?
Crusader: No clue.
Garrets: =/\= Garrets to Bridge, can you scan the area where we located the alien craft?
Bridge: +What are we looking for?+
Garrets: Anything and everything.
Bridge: +Hang tight.+
Crusader: What are you thinking?
Garrets: According to the crafts logs, the cliff had a system of caves tha tran through it. Prehaps some of these caves are still there.
Crusader: Then maybe some of the crafts crew are still aboard.
Garrets: Prehaps, we have no way of telling how long the craft has been there, could be two years, or two weeks.
Bridge: +Garrets, we got something that might intest you guys.+
Garrets: What is it?
Bridge: +Well according to the scans we just ran, some type of energy souce is buried further under the Alien Craft. However it went offline when we started to scan it.+
Garrets: Hmm understood thank you.
Bridge: +No problem, Bridge out.+
Garrets: Sir I believe we should put together another away team.
Crusader: I don't know if the Captain would allow it. Last time was not that successful. We lost some equipment, which is a violation of the prime directive in its self.
Garrets: And thats why we whould go back down sir. To reclaim out lost equipment before it falls into the wrong hands. Well at least that what we would tell the Captain.
Crusader: So your asking me to lie to the Captain?
Garrets: No sir, not lie, just bend the truth. We do need to get our equipment back, but as long as we're down there, we should at least take a look see at whatever or whom ever is down in the cave systems.
Crusader: I'll run it by Flix and see what he thinks. Until then I need you to keep looking at these logs for anything.
Garrets: Aye sir.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 1998
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Posted at 4:59 pm, 27th November 2002
Ok, why would I beam to the serenity if I wanted to go to the 10to5 bridge to take over it Na na!


Dobberman: "Not again?!"

Dobberman punches Manhunter and Travis with his elbows and runs to the console he was at and retrieves the information he wanted. Then he uses the console and beams himself to the shuttle bay and steals a runabout (there is one ok!). He shoots the bay doors open, scatters his ion trail and sets a course to the klingon empire and engages, disappearing into space. (UNTRACKABLE)

No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 7:33 pm, 27th November 2002


The ship shook.

Simmo: WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?

Kim: It....appears....that someone has stolen a runabout from the shuttle bay, blasting the bay doors open.

Simmo: Forcefield!

Kim: Already in place. The breach is sealed.

Simmo: Who stole it?

Kim: Scanning........... ITS DOBBERMAN!

Simmo: What? How can he do that?

Kim: Seems like he just did it.

Simmo: Oh. Umm, wheres he going?

Kim: Sensors show him heading for the Klingon empire.

Daniels: Persuit course?

Sporto: *over comm* +Sir all engines have just failed I dont know why+

Simmo: Damn. Sporto, get to work, we need those engines ASAP!

Sporto: +Aye sir+

Simmo: All we can do now is wait.

Daniels: Unless we use the shuttlecraft.

Simmo: Good point. Split into teams. Daniels and FliX, take one shuttle. Tell Manhunter and Crusader to take another.

Daniels: Aye sir.

*Daniels and FliX leave the bridge to tell Manhunter and Crusader.*

Simmo: Commodore Simmo to Commander Scooter and Ensign Logalot, get to the science lab and help Cadet Garrets.

Scooter: +Aye sir+

Logalot: +Aye sir+

Simmo: Lt. Kim, get to Engineering to help Sporto.


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that

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Posted at 9:33 pm, 27th November 2002
Kim goes down to engineering and down there he starts tapping consoles trying to get things working. Nothing is working
Sporto: Lt, come on think!
Kim: I am, Iam
Sporto:load up the back up power an
Kim: ASlready tried back up is failing, at this rate... Sporto, our power is failing, we should have enough power for another 2 month at least, but it is down to 1 hour, and looks like life support will be terminated at that point!
Sprto: your console must be wrong or something
Kim: But all them say it!
Sporto: They must be wrong, start a diognostic,
Bridge: Have u got power working Sporto?

Chief of Operations on the USS Serenity

Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Again!!!!! With the new GC Version!!!!!

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Posted at 3:15 am, 28th November 2002


Daniels: Manhunter and Crusader, suit up were goin' hunting.

Crusader & Manhunter: Wha?

Daniels: Let's go, grab what you need to take Dobberman into custody. Flix is on his way to Shuttlebay 1. I expect you two to be there in o' 5-10 mins.

Crusader & Manhunter: Aye Sir.

*5-10 mins pass*
<Shuttlebay 1>

Crusader and Manhunter enter the shuttle bay and they start running into seperate shuttles as the shuttles hover a couple centimetres off the ground. The shuttles doors close in a matter of seconds and they pass through the forcefield out into space.

Manhunter: You could have had us killed!

Daniels: Sorry but i just had to try that out. I learned it on shoreleave. *Laughs* Plus we had to get out of here in a hurry before dobberman is totally out of here.

Pushes a button to have 2-way communication between both shuttles

Daniels: I've plotted two courses Dobberman could have most possibly taken. Flix, follow the course i'm uploading.

Flix: Yes sir.

Daniels: I'll follow the other. If you have any trouble with the locals then give me a shout. If you find any runnabout i'll know. I've programmed the computer to tell me if your shuttle comes in sensor range of any runnabout. then you can confirm with me. Alright, Daniels out.
Alright Manhunter, lets catch a fish. Engaging warp engines... setting course... *turns around* i hope you used the bathroom... *Wink*

*shuttle does a barrel roll and continues into warp*

Maybe i should do that with the ship next time. LOL! Wink

Navigator - USS Serenity

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Posted at 3:26 am, 28th November 2002

<Science Lab 3>

(Garrets is at a console looking at some logs, Commander Scooter and Ensign Logalot walk in)

Garrets: Good afternoon gentlemen, how my I help you?
Logalot: Captain Simmo asked us to give you a hand.
Scooter: Yeah, Flix and crusader have been sent in a shuttle to capture Dobberman.
Garrets: Capture Dobberman? What has he done sir?
Scooter: Oh he just stole a shuttle and blasted open the shuttle bay doors with it.
Garrets: (Looks at Scooter) Oh.
Scooter: So what can we do to help?
Garrets: Well I was just reading some of the logs taken from the craft on the planets surface. However a few of them are encrpited.
Logalot: The ships computer should be able to break it.
Garrets: I'm trying that right now. Computer time left until encrpytion is decoded?
Computer: +Three hours until logs are decoded.+
Garrets: Well thats it until the logs are decoded.
Scooter: What about this power source on the planet?
Garrets: Well we won't know what it is unless we send an away team down again.
Scooter: Ok lets get the logs decoded and then we'll see if there is anything about the power aource in the logs. If not then we will see about sending an away team back down.
Garrets: Aye sir.

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 4:42 am, 28th November 2002

<Science Lab 3>

Scooter: "What about those particles from the Waverider warp core?"
Garrets: "We isolated the computer in science lab 2 and purged the particles. That was last week. Since then we haven't had time to look at it."
Scooter: "Isn't the core going to breach?"
Garrets: "Since we came into the past, that threat is gone. The only problem is how to fix the core. Commander Sporto took some readings on the 10to5 but didn't find anything. My guess is it probably has something to do with this planet."
Scooter: "All of this should have been in the status reports."
Garrets: "I think they got lost in that pile of junk over there."
Scooter: "Hmm... you science people sure are messy."


Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 3rd Year

Posts: 28
Join Date: 11-11-2002
Posted at 6:16 am, 28th November 2002


*A bright flash shakes the Serenity

Simmo: What the hell was that?
Kim: Holy..... Sir a star ship of sometype has just entered our sector.
Simmo: Is it a Star Fleet?
Kim: No sir.... The Serenity's computers is not able to regester it.
Simmo: On screen
Kim: Aye sir.
*The screen turns to a star ship that no one has ever seen before.
Simmo: Life-Signs?
Kim: Thats strange. I'm not reading any life-signs aboard.
Simmo: How could that be?
Kim: Sir the power source aboard the star ship matchs the power source we scanned on the planet.
Simmo: =/\= Simmo to Scooter, I need you on the bridge. An unknown star ship has just appeared out of no where.
Scooter: +I'm on my way.+
Simmo: Bring Garrets with you. Simmo out.
Scooter: +Aye sir. Scooter out.+

William (Dexus) Garrets

Science Cadet (XenoBiology)

Specilized in Borg Technology.
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 11:40 am, 30th November 2002


McFarland (Ops): Sir, the shuttles have departed the shuttle bay. They are beginning the search for the runabout.

Simmo: Good. How's the structural integrity around the shutte bay door?

McFarland: It's stable. The blast that Dobberman made in the side has caused severe internal and external damage, but the breach has been sealed with emergency forcefields.

Simmo: Right. Just to be safe I want to evacuate all surrounding sections.

McFarland: Yes sir. I'll get security to begin evacuating them right now.

Meanwhile, down in Engineering, Sporto and Kim were still at work trying to get power back to normal after some minor difficulties.


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 1998
Join Date: 29-12-2001
Posted at 11:57 am, 30th November 2002


Dobberman's runabout has crossed the klingon boarder, two birds of prey decloak.

=/\= Dobberman: "Admiral Dobberman to the Klingon birds of prey, I'm ready to be escorted."

=/\= Klingon Commander: "Ka'pla!"

The klingon ships close on the runabout and extent their cloaking field around it and all 3 ships disappear as the cloaking devices are activated.

No matter what I choose, no matter how much I buy, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay. Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words, "with great parents comes great reliability." This is my gift; their purse. Who am I? I'm Dobberman.
Ens. Crusader
Lieutenant-Junior Grade

Posts: 82
Join Date: 20-10-2002
Posted at 10:18 pm, 3rd December 2002
on:Crusader, flix, manhunter and daniels are still following dobberman

CrusaderGrinamn, he sure knows how to cover his ion trail

Daniels:Hmm, but ive still, wait, now i dont have it

Manhunter:The trail is still here, just, not dobbermans

Crusader:Wait! look! its dobbermans, but with two new trails in it.

Daneilss:hmmm, looks like he was joined by two other ships.....Klingon birds of prey!

Manhunter:Computer, red alert, charge phasers!

*the shuttles come to life, the shields go up, and the phasers charge*

Manhunter:Computer, open a channel!

*channel opening sound*

Manhunter:This is manhunter, cheif of security USS Serenity! You have a man named dobberman in your cloaking feild, We are here to take him into custody, should you fail to comply we will use extream force!

*Crusader readies a cloak distruptor, it sends out energy, which conforms to the hull of anything, so its kind of like sticking your finger through a plastic bag.*

KlingonGrina-MorAk! Goutes, nash, reid! Kapla!

*means, we know what he has done, we wont comply*

Crusader:Firing cloak distruptor

*a small probe shoots out, a gaint energy wave ereupts, painting the ships on sensors, the closest bird of prey fires*


*flix's shuttle takes the hit on its port sheild*

Manhunter:crusader, lock onto their engines and fire!

*their phasers fire, the klingons sheilds arnt up yet, 2 klingons beam aboard*

Klingon1:You Ba'tak your head will make a poor trophy

*the klingons jump crusader and manhunter. Crusader and his klingon wrestle on the floor, meanwhile, manhunter and klingon2 are beating the living **** out of each other. Crusader slams his against the replicator,*



*Manhunter beats some more crap out of klingon, then takes the klingons head and beats it against the bulkhead, crusader cracks his klingons head against the replicator again, then manhunter whips his klingons head against the helm controls, the klingon falls, manhunter runs over, and finishes crusaders klingon with a kick to the stomach*

Crusader:Crap! they are getting away!

*the klingon ships fire up their engines, the two unconcios klingons are beamed off the shuttle. The klingons and dobberman cloak, escaping for good*

Crusader:damn, you should have obiko look at those..(points to teeth marks on manhunters elbow, and a ton of bleeding cuts all over his face. There is also a giant bruise swelling over on one eye.

*the shuttles head back to the serenity*


On:Crusader, flix, and garrets have an idea!

Crusader:+Crusader to manhunter, do we have say 100,000 kg of tri cobalt matter on board+

Manhunter:+Er, yes, but we are not trying to destroy those aliens+

Crusader:+I almost forgot about them+

Manhunter:+They havent said anything yet, just obited the planet+

Crusader:+Could you come down to the armoury? i need a big ass tri cobalt torpedo+

Manhunter:+Im off duty in 5 min, meet you there+


On:Crusader is explaining idea to manhunter

Manhunter:ALL 100,000 KG on ONE TORPEDO!!!!????!!!!????

Crusader:yep, we plan to put some of our dangerous partical friends on there too, hopefully they will create a big ass temporal shock wave.

Manhunter:Crist man.....


on:The ailens sent a transmission to the surface, and a spy onboard

Crusader:Can we translate what they said?

Flix:Nope, it was in a differnt language, and it was coded.

Garrets:Strange, why bother?

flixUhhhh!ome races are mistrustful, even of their own friends

*a crewman walks in*

Crewman(alien):How is the work going with the.....particals?

Flix:Fine, er, i dont remember you

crewman(alien):commador simmo sent me to er, help....

Flix:*sigh* we have enough people

Crewman(alien):I am extreamly well versed in partical theory.Please, let me see the particals

Flix:Okay, they are in there, right in that reinforced chamber.......

*flix then makes a sign that only a real human would understand, he put his index finger to his head, and cocked his thumb*

crusader:Ahh, your head still hurts? damn

Flix:ya, it feels like i shot it with a phaser

*crusader reachs for his phaser*

Flix:Crewman! look here, this is some data on those particals!

*the alien turns around, with his back to crusader*

Crewman(alien):um, ahhhhhhhhh, your species came fa-

*Crusader hits it over the head with his phaser, the alien pulls out some weapon, and fires, the energy beam tears apart the door, and flies out into the hallway, cuts apart the eps bulkhead, and nails someones bed.*


*he picks up a peice of metal, and uses it like a baseball bat, cracking the aliens head*

crusader:Whoa! when we get back to starbase, we need some upgrades

flix:damn, what was that guy?

*crusader calls down manhunter*

Manhunter:whoa, the sci lab is really taking a beating

crusader:Ya, lets seal this breach

*they begin welding the eps grid shut with some engineers that come up*

Crusader:So, whens that torpedo gunna be done?

Manhunter:Torpedos, we found some tri cobalt on the surface, we are going to make 2 torpedos, and mount one under each naccel. man, these things are going to create on hell of a shockwave

crusader:and enough of a rift to get us back

manhunter:how do we know it will get us back?

Flix:Because, the particals can have temporal co-ordinates kind of "programed" into them, crusader, go see obiko, manhunter, please do somthing with our guest

*Crusader meets simmo on the way to sickbay*


simmo:Listen to this

*simmo puts on somthing via a wall pannel*



Simmo:that was his last log.....


simmo:ya, but this was even stranger.

*he switches to a hololog of dobberman, dobberman is screaming as he washes his phaser*


*image switchs, now dobberman is sitting in a replicated cookie pan*


*image turns off*

crusader:that was seriosly disturbing

simmo:ya, he is going insane

crusader:That was very strange though

Simmo:he has a milk allergy


*crusader walks off to sickbay*


on:On bridge

Simmo:Whats happening?

scooter:Their spy caused some damage, structural integrety is off a bit.

simmo:Our sci lab is taking a beating, when we get back to starbase, remember to have it upgraded.

daniels:Sir, we are being hailed!

Simmo:On screen!

*a strange alien appears*

Alien:Voo, cha, de so nakatur, kieq! ya hollkva ouk dal chambanaku!

Computer....... Alien, comply wiht our demand! Return our man, and all data concerning the "particals" and we will not destroy your craft, should you fail to comply, we will open fire, you have 5 of your hours to comply


on:The computer is acting funny

crusader:Computer, locate obiko.

Computer:Obiko is on the bridge, obiko is in engineering, obiko is in the messhall, obiko is in the eps grid, obiko is in a hypospray, obiko is dead, obiko is not on board the ship, obiko is in the wall, obiko is severly retarded, obiko is getting laid, obiko is in your head, obiko is making out with a eps conduit, obiko is in a gelpack, obiko is destroyign the warp core


computer:initiating, done

*carlos's face appears on a wall panel*



Crusader:the computer is insane

computer:Affirmative, loading torpedods, targeting columbias warp core, locking trajectory, torpedos ready.


Computer:Switing to 750,000 btu blast warheads.

*crusader pulls out a small handheld welder he always carries around, he cuts open the panel on the wall, and manually starts a level 9 diagnostic. then heads to sickbay*

Carlos*his face is still on the screen*:WAIT! WAIT! HEY! IM STILL HERE! HELLO!

*crusader walks back*

crusaderUhhhh!hut up carlos!

*turns off the display, and walks to sickbay*



crusader:Could you make somthing that ereases a persons memory, but in somthing the size of a tool kit?

obkio:how much of an erase?

Crusader:5 days

obikoUhhhh!ure, er, what species


obiko:your going to wipe the serenity crew's memories!?!?

crusader:no, the 10to5s

obikoEek!kay, ill send the eraser to?




on:Manhunter is prepairing the giant torpedos

Manhunter:Okay, the torpedos are done. Each is packing 100,000 kg of tricobalt explosive, thats enough explosive to destroy a planet. make sure you know what your doing

crusaderEek!f course!

Asistant cheif science officer USS Serinity

Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:29 pm, 21st September 2003
Time to figure out how this thing ended. This was the end of the mission anyway I believe.



Ops: "Sir, something is appearing. It is hailing us."

Simmo: "On screen."

Ducane: "This is Commander Ducane of the Federation starship Relativity. We've come to take you home to your own time."

Simmo: "I see."

Ducane: "Remember the temporal prime directive. Discuss this with nobody. The timelime damage should be minimal, as events are... almost right."

Simmo: "Understood. We're ready when you are."

Ducane: "Follow us through Captain."

Simmo: "Aye. Mr Daniels, follow them in."

Daniels: "Aye sir."

The ships flew back into the temporal rift, emerging back into its own time. Simmo and Ducane talked a lttle bit more about reminding about this occasion, before the Relativity left, and everyone got back to "normal" duty.

Well, something like that happened anyway. I think Misison 10 was the Columbia's death. Mission 11 was something I cant remember. Mission 12 was the Ekrizon. Mission 13 was where we just left.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that