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[U.S.S. 10to5] Back on the Road Again (Mission 13)

EFMods Forum Archive - Virtual Game Missions
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 9:13 pm, 2nd October 2003
What happened so far:

[list:4c5f8911cf][*:4c5f8911cf]Serenity returns to Starbase 460.
[*:4c5f8911cf]Serenity crew "evacuated" onto the Starbase while Serenity undergoes a Baryon sweep.
[*:4c5f8911cf]Serenity main crew assigned, along with Rear Admiral Simmo, to the USS 10to5.
[*:4c5f8911cf]USS 10to5 departs Starbase 460 en route for Uarus 4.[/list:u:4c5f8911cf]


You can post now. Scooter, if you have time, could you... make it more in a story sense, clearing up the better details, and possibly re-introduce the crew? Thanks. If not I'll do it tomorrow.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 11:30 pm, 2nd October 2003
Here's what I can recall:
Commanding Officer - Simmo
First Officer - Scooter
Chief Engineer - Sporto
Chief of Security - Manhunter
Helmsman - Dogbert
OPS - Deanna
Chief Medical Officer - Borgking
Engineer - Crusader

There was a cadet or two on board as well I think but I can't remember who.


<10to5 bridge>

Scooter: "Admiral, we're ready to get underway."
Simmo: "Good work everyone. Release docking clamps an take us out."
Deanna: "Docking clamps released."
Dogbert: "I'm starting us off at 1/4 impulse."

<Borgking's quarters>

Borgking was putting some socks into a drawer when he noticed movement outside his window. He looked out as the interior of the starbase passed by.

<Starbase 460 lounge>

Captain Carlos Technology, who was still waiting for reassignment, noticed the 10to5 heading towards the space doors. He shed a tear as the doors opened and the first vessel he had ever served on left without him.

<10to5 Bridge>

Dogbert: "We've cleared the space doors. Increasing to 3/4 impulse."
Simmo: "Engineering, how's the core?"
Sporto: +Operating at 100% efficiency, but let's take it easy she hasn't been to warp for years.+
Simmo: "Lay in a course for Uarus 4, warp factor 6."
Dogbert: "Course laid in. We're clear of the starbase."
Simmo: "Engage."

As the stars on the viewscreen turned into streaks of light, Simmo stared at them quite pleased with himself. It felt good to be in a captain's chair again.



Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 4th Year

Posts: 44
Join Date: 23-10-2002
Posted at 11:23 pm, 6th October 2003

Finished putting his socks away,Borgking went to sickbay to check it out.it took him all of three seconds,if that.

Borgking: "How in the world did this ship get by the starfleet design inspection team...i would think they would say this sickbay was inadequate to support even this many people."

Captain Scooter walked in,startling Borgking.

Scooter: "Everything ok here?"

Borgking: "Yeah,though i am not used to having such a small sickbay."

Scooter: "Not much i can do about it.Well,carry on."

"Warp core breaches have never been more fun."
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 6:56 pm, 18th March 2005


Sporto: "It's good to be back in my old engine room."
Scooter: "Yeah those newer ships have such massive engine rooms, you almost expect to hear an echo.'
Sporto: "And the 10to5's warp core has a distinctive sound to it. Nothing quite like it on the other starships we've served on."
Crusader: "Do you think we should have brought Carlos along?"
Scooter: "It won't be quite the same without him, but he wasn't interested in coming along unless he got to be the commanding officer."


I was looking in this forum for old times sake and noticed this mission which I had totally forgotten we even started. Apparently I remembered it quite well two years ago because I posted most of it. Since we need some action around here besides people asking for progress on the mod, I figured I'd post here.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 6:11 pm, 21st March 2005
Wow, thought this mission had finished, but infact it got nowhere. Even I didn't post anything in the story, and I really should check here more often it's been a "while" since this was posted.


<USS 10to5, Main (well, and the only) Bridge>

Simmo: *to himself* "Hmm my backside has gone numb, it feels like I've been sat here for years. We must be there by now..." *to Dogbert* "Helm, how far away are we?"
Dogbert: "ETA 14 hours."
Simmo: "Great, I think I need a drink."

Simmo gets up and walks into Engineering trying to remember where the replicators were. He sees Scooter and Sporto playing O's and X's on the wall display.

Sporto: "Ha, I've won again. What's that now? 47-0?"
Scooter: "Grr, I'll beat you one of these days."

Simmo walks over and interrupts before things get nasty.

Simmo: "Isn't it weird how our names all begin with S?"
Sporto: "What?"
Scooter: "You just noticed?"
Crusader: "Mine doesn't."
Simmo: "Who involved you?"
Crusader: "I did."
Simmo: "Well I didn't want to include you. I'm not stupid enough to think your name begins with an S."
Crusader: "Sure you're not."
Simmo: "What was that?! Scooter, take him to the brig."

Well, it's... strange to have posted anything at least.

Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 8:11 pm, 21st March 2005

Scooter: "Erm, we don't have a brig."
Sporto: "Maybe the holodeck has a program for that?"
Scooter: "Computer, run a brig program on the holodeck."
Computer: "Program complete, enter when ready."
Scooter: "Ok Crus let's go."
Crusader: "But I'm not ready!"

Crusader grudgingly enters the holo-brig anyway. Scooter locks Crusader's authorization codes so that he can't deactivate the holodeck.


Well, we're off a fine start now aren't we?

Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 5:20 pm, 22nd March 2005

*Sporto watched as Simmo and Scooter took Crusader to the holodeck/brig. He had to refrain from laughing, as Crusader didn't know he was being messed with. Sporto was running a full diagnostic on the engines, as there was really nothing better to do. He was surprised at how well things were running, as it had been years since he last tended to the 10to5. As with many other engineers, he really only trusted himself to do the job right.

Once Sporto finished his diagnostic, he decided to get some lunch. He saw Simmo getting a drink from the replicator, so he walked over.*

Sporto: "Mind if I have lunch with you?"

Simmo: "Not at all."

*Sporto ordered from the replicator and once ready, picked up his plate and stepped back. Simmo ordered a meal as well and was soon standing next to Sporto. As both of them stood there holding hot plates, they realized there were not tables in engineering.*

Simmo: "I think I found a small design flaw."

Sporto: "Indeed. We can eat on the pool table. Just don't spill on my consoles."

*Simmo laughed.*

Simmo: "I'll try my best."

*They walked to the pool table and started carefully eating.*


I can't remember what the point of this mission was, but I'm still happy to be doing these missions again. Grin

Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Morale Officer

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Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 5:44 pm, 22nd March 2005

Manhunter: "Do you think we should let him out now?"
Scooter: "Nah, wait until after lunch."
Manhunter: "Ok."

Manhunter and Scooter order lunch from the replicator and join Sporto and Simmo at the pool table.


As I recall, we're supposed to get that rock sample that was never retrieved during the first mission.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 8:21 pm, 22nd March 2005
Why did we want a rock the first time around though, lol?


Simmo, Scooter, Sporto and Manhunter were all stood around the pool table eating their lunch. It was getting a bit crowded, since the pool table was only small.

Simmo: "If only Crusader wasn't in the brig-thing, we'd have been able to make a nice mess hall in there."

Scooter: "You want me to let him out?"

Simmo: "Nah, what's the fun in letting him out so early."

Simmo smiled, making sure everyone knew he wasn't seriously mad with Crusader.

Manhunter: *while eating* "This food is good."

As Manhunter was eating, bits of food started falling out of his mouth and landing on the pool table console infront of him, which Sporto immediately noticed.

Sporto: "Ack, you're getting food all over my consoles."

Manhunter: "Whoops."

Manhunter begins wiping the food off of the console, at the same time pushing all the buttons beneath his hands. As he finishes, the lights all go out.

Simmo: "Did I just go blind or did someone break the lights?"


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 11:11 pm, 22nd March 2005

Manhunter: "Combuter, lifs"
Scooter: "It helps if you don't have food in your mouth. Computer, lights."

*the lights come back on*


Captain of the USS Serenity
Cadet 4th Year

Posts: 44
Join Date: 23-10-2002
Posted at 9:46 pm, 29th March 2005

Borgking tapped his finger on the...desk?Counter?Shelf?...in Sickbay. Well, whatever it was, it was a small table like object against the wall where things sat. He walked through the door, saw what was going on outside, and immediately stepped back in.

Borgking: No need to get involved in all that...

He went back to tapping again. Not much for a Medical officer to do on a mission involving a rock.

Borgking: Computer...one tennis ball.

The ball appeared in the replicator. Walking over, he picked it up then sat down on the biobed. Tossing the ball against the wall, he caught it and counted.

Borgking: 1...


Borgking: 2...


Borgking: 3...

"Warp core breaches have never been more fun."
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 7:12 pm, 30th March 2005

Sporto: "What's that noise?"
Manhunter: "Sounds like a flat tire."
Scooter: "A what?"
Manhunter: "Nevermind."
Dogbert: +We are approaching Uarus IV.+
Simmo: "I guess lunch is over now."

Simmo, Scooter, and Manhunter returned to the bridge, leaving Sporto to clean up the mess. Sporto wasn't too impressed so he let Crusader out of the brig and made him clean it up instead.


Captain of the USS Serenity

Posts: 1365
Join Date: 19-04-2002
Posted at 4:08 pm, 7th April 2005

*Sporto watched as Crusader cleaned up the mess on the pool table.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, the viewscree showed them approaching the planet. It was a sight they hadn't seen for many years. It almost made them feel completely at home in the 10to5, like they had traveled back in time.*

Simmo: "Dogbert, take us into orbit. Deanna, start scanning the surface for that rock signature stored in our database."


Commander Sporto78
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Serenity

Life is good.
Morale Officer

Posts: 2898
Join Date: 08-05-2002
Posted at 10:38 pm, 7th April 2005

Deanna: "I have the coordinates, sir. Transferring them to engineering."
Simmo: "Is the science lab program running?"
Scooter: "Affirmative."
Simmo: "Sporto, beam the rock sample into the..." *finger quotes* "...science lab." *finger quotes*
Sporto: +Transporting...+

Simmo and Scooter got up from their chairs and went to the holodeck/science lab, where they found Sporto and Crusader already examining the rock sample.

Crusader: "It appears to be the remnants of an ancient civilization from over 12,000 years ago."
Simmo: "Woah, deja vu."
Crusader: "Gesundheit."
Scooter: "Start running all the usual analyses."
Crusader: "Already on it. Should be done in a few hours."
Simmo: "I'll be in my ready room."


TAG Simmo. This would be a good time for a log entry.

Captain of the USS Serenity
Rear Admiral

Posts: 4620
Join Date: 12-01-2002
Posted at 8:50 pm, 8th April 2005

Captain's Log,
I wonder if I call this a Captain's log, or do I call it Rear Admiral's log, since I'm a Rear Admiral? But then again I'm Captain of this ship... hmm. Anyway.

The person in charge of the 10to5's log,
The rock sample we finally recovered, I forgot what all the fuss was about it. It's the remains of an ancient civilisation. Whatever happened to the rest of the civilisaton we'll have to find out, but I can't wait to find out what happened to these people. I hope the others analyse it soon. I'm no scientist so I can't help, but I still love to hear what's going on. They should be done right about now... End Log


Rear Admiral Simmo666
Commanding Officer - Starbase 460
Member of the Year 2002
REMEMBER: Scooter crashed the SQL Server on 25th November 2002 - really? did he? i forgot that